Lump Quotes

Text Quotes
When I lump all my sins together and confess them en masse, I neglect to feel the pain or embarrassment or shame that should be elicited in me (Lump Quotes)
A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness (Lump Quotes)
I had this lump in my throat, but I couldn't even cry. I thought, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. I was just sitting there in my car that I was two months behind on payments for, knowing I didn't have money for rent (Lump Quotes)
A guy is a lump like a doughnut. So, first you gotta get rid of all the stuff his mom did to him. And then you gotta get rid of all that macho crap that they pick up from beer commercials. And then there's my personal favorite, the male ego (Lump Quotes)
A poem begins with a lump in the throat, a home - sickness or a love - sickness. It is a reaching - out toward expression; an effort to find fulfillment. A complete poem is one where the emotion has found its thought and the thought has found the words (Lump Quotes)
There was nowhere to sit except the bunk, which was covered with rotting food, and a wooden stool, upon which sat a large fur covered lump - an old cheese, perhaps, or a dead cat (Lump Quotes)
Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one's bath like a lump of sugar (Lump Quotes)
But this lump does not absolve me, because I got it through heedlessness, not though courage. I run my tongue over my lip and what do I do? I write. But bad literature brings no redemption (Lump Quotes)
Twenty or thirty years ago, in the army, we had a lot of obscure adventures, and years later we tell them at parties, and suddenly we realize that those two very difficult years of our lives have become lumped together into a few episodes that have lodged in our memory in a standardized form, and are always told in a standardized way, in the same words. But in fact that lump of memories has nothing whatsoever to do with our experience of those two years in the army and what it has made of us (Lump Quotes)
We each deal with childhood in different ways. That brothers and sisters can take the same lump of clay that is childhood and use it to shape themselves into unique human beings is a miracle in itself. Despite individual struggles, triumphs, joys and disappointments, someone is made of the same stuff and has been at your side, whether figuratively or literally, from the beginning. Use our brother and sister quote collection to explore this truth and gain compassionate understanding for yourself and your siblings (Lump Quotes)
It is not so important that many should be good as you, as that there be some absolute goodness somewhere; for that will leaven the whole lump (Lump Quotes)
We assign a moment to decision, to dignify the process as a timely result of rational and conscious thought. But decisions are made of kneaded feelings; they are more often a lump than a sum (Lump Quotes)
A lump rises in our throat at the sight of beauty from an implicit knowledge that the happiness it hints at is the exception (Lump Quotes)
Praise is like ambergrease: a little whiff of it, and by snatches, is very agreeable; but when a man holds a whole lump of it to your nose, it is a stink, and strikes you down (Lump Quotes)
It was hard walking around the pitch... You do that when you win trophies. The fans were throwing flags on and that was hard to take, something which put a lump in your throat (Lump Quotes)
I started feeling this little lump in my throat, like you would feel if you have swollen glands or something like that, like you’d feel if you have a cold, so I didn’t really think it was anything (Lump Quotes)
You can’t just lump things into two categories. Things aren’t that simple (Lump Quotes)
Love seems to be the appreciation that we are all little lumps in the same earthly soup which is a little lump in a larger cosmic soup. So, love is an awareness of this beautiful energetic relationship and a natural appreciation of this situation. It doesn’t seem to be a matter of finding love... it’s a matter of being aware of it. It’s not a question of invention but rather discovery (Lump Quotes)
Later when I thought of the chickens, one of those rare pale blue eggs rose up into my throat. The chickens had been part of our family, and the egg in my throat was the feeling of something missing. It was hard and smooth and heavy, but also so fragile it might break and make me cry. It was the feeling of growing out of a favorite shirt, milk spilled on the floor, the last bit of honey in the jar, falling apple blossoms. It was the lump in the throat behind everything beautiful in life (Lump Quotes)
Only when you have crossed the river can you say that the crocodile has a lump on his snout (Lump Quotes)
A good man doesn’t just happen. They have to be created by us women. A guy is a lump like a doughnut (Lump Quotes)
Don’t be afraid of pressure. Pressure is what transforms a lump of coal into a diamond (Lump Quotes)
It’s that tingle in my stomach, that lump in my throat and that smile on my face that tell me I am part of an incredible team (Lump Quotes)
The camera hound of the future wears on his forehead a lump a little larger than a walnut (Lump Quotes)
Kids can be a pain in the neck when they’re not a lump in your throat (Lump Quotes)
One of the difficulties in understanding the brain is that it is like nothing so much as a lump of porridge (Lump Quotes)
I don’t like people. I don’t like any kind of people. When you get them together in a big lump they all get nasty and dirty and full of trouble. So I don’t like people including you. That’s what a misanthropist is (Lump Quotes)
Words. I had always loved them. I collected them, like I had collected pretty stones as a child. I liked to roll words over my tongue like a lump of molten honeycomb, savouring the sweetness, the crackle, the crunch (Lump Quotes)
... you find your genius by looking in the mirror of your life. Your visible image shows your inner truth, so when you’re estimating others, what you see is what you get. It therefore becomes critically important to see generously, or you will get only what you see; to see sharply, so that you discern the mix of traits rather than a generalized lump; and to see deeply into dark shadows, or else you will be deceived (Lump Quotes)
It is hard for me to imagine that I felt good about behaving like that. I also remember that the smallest gesture of affection would bring a lump to my throat, whether it was directed at me or at someone else. Sometimes all it took was a scene in a movie. This juxtaposition of callousness and extreme sensitivity seemed suspicious even to me (Lump Quotes)