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Lunchbox Quotes

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I had the lunchbox that cleared the cafeteria. I was very unpopular in the early grades. Because I hung out with my grandfather, I started to bring my lunchbox with sardine sandwiches and calamari that I would eat off my fingers like rings. I was also always reeking of garlic  (Lunchbox Quotes) ‘The Lunchbox’ has been a blessing - all gift-wrapped and tied with a bow. Life is a lunchbox of chocolates now!  (Lunchbox Quotes) No one wanted to be my friend because of my lunchbox - because I never shared my lunchbox. One day the principal walked in and said, ‘No one is friends with Karan Johar; who will be his friend?’ My CEO today put his hand up there and said, he will.  (Lunchbox Quotes) Being on a lunchbox was awesome, and being on a thermos was pretty cool, too  (Lunchbox Quotes) The Lunchbox’ has been a blessing - all gift-wrapped and tied with a bow. Life is a lunchbox of chocolates now!  (Lunchbox Quotes) In elementary school, in my lunchbox, I used to pack a saxophone. I could have been a chef, a culinary artist, and all that jazz.  (Lunchbox Quotes)