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Lungs Quotes

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Salad bars are like a restaurant’s lungs. They soak up the impurities and bacteria in the environment, leaving you with much cleaner air to enjoy  (Lungs Quotes) Being able to scream at the top of my lungs in front of people is very therapeutic. It is a great gift for me to be able to do that  (Lungs Quotes) As smoking is to the lungs, so is resentment to the soul; even one puff is bad for you  (Lungs Quotes) Birds scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth, but sadly we don’t speak bird  (Lungs Quotes) For a week, almost without speaking, they went ahead like sleepwalkers through a universe of grief, lighted only by the tenuous reflection of luminous insects, and their lungs were overwhelmed by a suffocating smell of blood  (Lungs Quotes) I close my eyes, thinking that there is nothing like an embrace after an absence, nothing like fitting my face into the curve of his shoulder and filling my lungs with the scent of him  (Lungs Quotes) To hang on from day to day and from week to week, spinning out a present that had no future, seemed an unconquerable instinct, just as one’s lungs will always draw the next breath so long as there is air available  (Lungs Quotes) You can run but you can’t hide... but I can try. I feel air catch in my lungs and I get a cramp in my side and this pain, this wonderful physical pain that I can place, reminds me that after all I am still alive  (Lungs Quotes) To sing you must first open your mouth. You must have a pair of lungs, and a little knowledge of music. It is not necessary to have an accordion, or a guitar. The essential thing is to want to sing. This then is a song. I am singing  (Lungs Quotes) He breathed out the bitter air that makes women doubt everything, and I breathed it in, as I had always done. I expelled my dust, the powder of everything I had destroyed with doubt, and he pulled it into his lungs  (Lungs Quotes) You’re surrounded by it wherever you go, you walk through it, breathe it... it’s in your lungs and under your tongue and between your fingers and toes  (Lungs Quotes) I wish I had a memory of that first violent shove, the shock of cold air, the sting of oxygen into new lungs. Everyone should remember being born. It doesn’t seem fair that we only remember dying  (Lungs Quotes) Miraculously, smoke curled out of his own mouth, his nose, his ears, his eyes, as if his soul had been extinguished within his lungs at the very moment the sweet pumpkin gave up its incensed ghost  (Lungs Quotes) This is the fear that made fish crawl out onto dry land and evolve lungs, the fear that teaches us to run, the fear that makes us bury our dead  (Lungs Quotes) At that moment I felt lonelier than I’d ever felt before, and that loneliness seemed to squat in my lungs and crush all but my most minimal breathing. There was nothing left to say. Not about this. Not about anything  (Lungs Quotes) We should notice that we are already supported at every moment. There is the earth below our feet and there is the air, filling our lungs and emptying them. We should begin from this when we need support  (Lungs Quotes) I don’t have lungs anymore! Just two spare bags that flew in under a bridge one day  (Lungs Quotes) To be sociable, I puffed on a marijuana cigarette, but I didn’t inhale... I just hate the idea of drawing smoke into my lungs  (Lungs Quotes) The trees are our lungs, the rivers our circulation, the air our breath, and the earth our body  (Lungs Quotes) At the top of your lungs, shout and listen to the echoes. You must live life at the top of your voice!  (Lungs Quotes) Those trees are your lungs. The earth recycles as your body. The rivers recycle as your circulation. The air is your breath. So what do we call the environment?  (Lungs Quotes) A government can be compared to our lungs. Our lungs are best when we don’t realize they are helping us breathe. It is when we are constantly aware of our lungs that we know they have come down with an illness  (Lungs Quotes) Hundreds of butts in piles on the ground to mark the spot, their lives sucked out of them by their users in panicked distressed frenzy, their souls floating around the insides of lungs while their outsides were dropped, stamped on and deserted  (Lungs Quotes) We can’t afford to do anyone harm because we owe them our lives each breath is recycled from someone else’s lungs our enemies are the very air in disguise you can talk a great philosophy but if you can’t be kind to people every day it doesn’t mean that much to me it’s the little things you do the little things you say it’s the love you give along the way  (Lungs Quotes) I used many times to touch my own chest and feel, under its asthmatic quiver, the engine of the heart and lungs and blood and feel amazed at what I sensed was the enormity of the power I possessed. Not magical power, but real power. The power simply to go on, the power to endure, that is power enough, but I felt I had also the power to create, to add, to delight, to amaze and to transform  (Lungs Quotes) I want to tear myself from this place, from this reality, rise up like a cloud and float away, melt into this humid summer night and dissolve somewhere far, over the hills. But I am here, my legs blocks of concrete, my lungs empty of air, my throat burning. There will be no floating away  (Lungs Quotes) As he stared back, he altered... as if a shield slid away fro his eyes, revealing a scorching force of will that sucked the air from my lungs. The intense magnetism he exuded grew in strength, becoming a near tangible impression of vibrant and unrelenting power  (Lungs Quotes) My body rises with the water. Instead of kicking my feet to stay abreast of it, I push all the air from my lungs and sink to the bottom. The water muffles my ears. I feel its movement over my face. I think about snorting the water into my lungs so it kills me faster, but I can’t bring myself to do it. I blow bubbles from my mouth. Relax. I close my eyes. My lungs burn  (Lungs Quotes) When two minds of a high order, interested in kindred subjects, come together, their conversation is chiefly remarkable for the summariness of its allusions and the rapidity of its transitions. Before one of them is half through a sentence the other knows his meaning and replies... His mental lungs breathe more deeply, in an atmosphere more broad and vast  (Lungs Quotes) Washington bureaucrats have classified the very air we exhale as a pollutant and have gone unchallenged in this incredible assertion. The logical consequence is that there will come a time when we will have to buy a government permit just to emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from our own lungs!  (Lungs Quotes)
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