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The coffee was so strong it snarled as it lurched out of the pot  (Lurched Quotes) I lurched away from the table after a few hours feeling like Elvis in Vegas - fat, drugged, and completely out of it  (Lurched Quotes) Some people have theorized that I lurched to prove myself intellectually. But it was not any lurch. It was more a kind of awakening  (Lurched Quotes) My stomach lurched, an appetizer before the full portion of heartache I had a feeling was going to be served at some point soon  (Lurched Quotes) Ox, at an early age a Chinese genius gazes at the path that lies ahead and reaches for a wine jar, Master Li saidIs it any wonder that our greatest men have lurched rather than walked across the landscape as they hiccuped their way into history?  (Lurched Quotes)