Lush Quotes

Text Quotes
How lush and lusty the grass looks! how green! (Lush Quotes)
George Martin, he's very good at a very sort of lush, sweet arrangement (Lush Quotes)
I like chords that are very lush with all the lush parts taken out (Lush Quotes)
I like really sparse electronics, lush arrangements, and interesting chord structures (Lush Quotes)
I’ll live a lush life in some small dive (Lush Quotes)
The mere pronunciation of the word luxurious feels lush, luxuriant (Lush Quotes)
In general, we like to play as a band - guitar, piano, and voice. We also tour with a bass player, a drummer, and somebody who plays keyboard and guitar. We try to play all of our parts and flesh it out to get a lush sound, while also keeping the energy of a three-piece punk act. We want to be the best of all possible worlds. (Lush Quotes)
An idea fell like a seed and over the next weeks it went on growing like a fig vine lush and conquering twining round her old beliefs and covering them in new growth until they were as invisible as a tiger in a thicket and just as deadly (Lush Quotes)
The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and serene lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowered fields, and sandy beaches. It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day. What the world needs more of is people to appreciate and enjoy it (Lush Quotes)
America is old tobacco: gold and green. It’s lush and literally feels like wealth, like optimism, turn of the century America where everything was blooming (Lush Quotes)
When we came to America, the movies here needed a new wave. European films looked totally different than American movies, which were these lush, glossy pictures with this elaborate production design. (Lush Quotes)
I usually go to Lush for hair products. I had no idea that this existed, but they have a shampoo rock, and it looks like a bar of soap, and I was tripping out when they told me it was a shampoo, so that’s pretty sweet. (Lush Quotes)
Looking at paintings was a huge part of finding my way into the lush world of the 18th century (Lush Quotes)
My bedroom is my sanctuary. It’s the only place in the house that has a beautiful lush shag rug, which is my favorite. (Lush Quotes)
Green Garden’ is about beauty and joy and lush green and dance and excitement and smiling from within. (Lush Quotes)
Many an American jazz musician has been beguiled by the lush melodies and sumptuous rhythms of Brazilian music, but Peter Sprague has taken the romance a good deal further than most. (Lush Quotes)
There is joy in feeling the bristles of a quality brush, seeing the richness and lush color of truly good pigment flowing onto the paper or canvas. The cheap stuff just makes for harder work and lesser results. (Lush Quotes)
To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug (Lush Quotes)
If I’m a lush at anything, it’s food and drink. I’m not materialistic in any way, but I value food (Lush Quotes)
To me there is an intimate relationship between austerity and more lush aesthetics. They’re two faces of the same coin (Lush Quotes)
The lush green of the fields became a rich gold that swayed sturdily under the wind and fell at last before the hands of the reapers (Lush Quotes)
There is no substitute for a real location when you’re trying to shoot the jungle. You can’t just go anywhere. You’ve got to go where it’s lush and green and there really is those mountain ranges, the trees and the ocean (Lush Quotes)
If I didn’t have children I might be more of a lush than I am. I like booze. I struggle with smoking. And I’m a big swearer. I’m trying to rein it in but I do think it’s a nice seasoning of language (Lush Quotes)
It’s about time you admitted that you are a miraculous work of art. You came into this world as a radiant bundle of exuberant riddles. You slipped into this dimension as a shimmering burst of spiral hallelujahs. You blasted into this realm as a lush explosion of ecstatic gratitude. And it is your birthright to fulfill those promises (Lush Quotes)
Everybody wants to reach the top of the mountain, but there is no growth at the peak. It is in the valley that we slog through the lush grass and rich soil, learning and becoming what enables us to summit life’s next peak (Lush Quotes)
The little black dress must be luxurious, rich, sensual, diaphanous, exotic, severe, lush, demure, demanding, frivolous, amusing, and it must linger in memory, but above all, it must be simple and little and black (Lush Quotes)
I have always tended toward a lush prose style, but I take care to modulate it from story to story and to strip it down entirely when necessary (Lush Quotes)
I talked to the record company about what I had in mind. They said they wanted something lush. I figured the best thing to do was let them hear what I had in mind (Lush Quotes)
I like to touch things. In my house I have a lot of velvet drapes and thick, lush couches (Lush Quotes)
Nothing is so beautiful as spring - when weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush; Thrush's eggs look little low heavens, and thrush through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring the ear, it strikes like lightning to hear him sing (Lush Quotes)