Lust Quotes

Text Quotes
Lust tastes like tequila and love tastes like whiskey. Love burns for longer and warms you up on the inside and sometimes it makes you do stupid things. Tequila makes you wasted. You can get wasted on lust and warmed by love (Lust Quotes)
The ideal artist is he who knows everything, feels everything, experiences everything, and retains his experience in a spirit of wonder and feeds upon it with creative lust (Lust Quotes)
Satisfaction consists in the cutting off of the causes of the sin. Thus, fasting is the proper antidote to lust; prayer to pride, to envy, anger and sloth; alms to covetousness (Lust Quotes)
Some things transcend politics and policy and the lust for power. Truth, honesty, integrity, decency and fairness are immutable values. They are the ethical substance of life. They ought to be cherished. To sell them out is to sell one’s soul (Lust Quotes)
Love is a dangerous thing. It comes in disguise to change our life... Lust is the deceiver. Lust wrenches our lives until nothing matters except the one we think we love, and under that deceptive spell we kill for them, give all for them, and then, when we have what we have wanted, we discover that it is all an illusion and nothing is there. Lust is a voyage to nowhere, to an empty land, but some men just love such voyages and never care about the destination. Love is a voyage too, a voyage with no destination except death, but a voyage of bliss (Lust Quotes)
Line dancing is as sinful as any other type of dancing, with its sexual gestures and touching. It is an incitement to lust (Lust Quotes)
All the seven deadly sins are self destroying, morbid appetites, but in their early stages at least, lust and gluttony, averice and sloth know some gratification, while anger and pride have power, even though that power eventually destroys itself. Envy is impotent, numbed with fear, never ceasing in its appetite, and it knows no gratification, but endless self torment. It has the ugliness of a trapped rat, which gnaws its own foot in an effort to escape (Lust Quotes)
Murder is not about lust and it’s not about violence. It’s about possession (Lust Quotes)
With the plundered people transferring their energies into relaxed and receptive thoughts, degradation and lust for power produced art (Lust Quotes)
There are men who bloom in chaos. You call them heroes or villains, depending on which side wins the war, but until the battle call they are but normal men who long for action, who lust for the opportunity to throw off the routine of their normal lives like a cocoon and come into their own. They sense a destiny larger than themselves, but only when structures collapse around them do these men become warriors (Lust Quotes)
Wisdom is the aristic craving for extraordinary insights, for incandescent revelations that have the power to burst through banausic and doulic ordinariness: wisdom is the lust to be transfigured, transvaluated (Lust Quotes)
My consuming lust was to experience their bodies. I viewed them as objects, as strangers. It is hard for me to believe a human being could have done what I’ve done (Lust Quotes)
I feel like that’s something the church has done really badly is actually confessing. We are sinners. We are broken, shattered people that do things selfishly, out of arrogance, pride, lust, greed. And all have fallen short. That doesn’t mean some we’re definitely a part of that inclusive all (Lust Quotes)
Since you walked out on me I’m getting lovelier by the hour. I glow like a corpse in the dark. No one sees how round and sharp my eyes have grown how my carcass looks like a glass urn, how I hold up things in the rags of my hands, the way I can stand through crippled by lust. No, there’s just your cruelty circling my head like a bright rotting halo (Lust Quotes)
Love is substance; Lust, illusion. Only in the surge of passion do the two mingle in confusion (Lust Quotes)
Considering the natural lust for power so inherent in man, I fear the thirst of power will prevail to oppress the people (Lust Quotes)
It is our very search, our lust for the miraculous and magical, that hides from us the truth that simply to be, simply to know I am, is already the miracle that we seek. Everything, as it is, is perfect, but you must stop seeing it as if in a mirror, as if in a dream (Lust Quotes)
I cannot sufficiently be astonished that such is the insanity of some men, such the impiety of their blinded understanding, such, finally, their lust after error, that they will not be content with the rule of faith delivered once and for all from antiquity, but must daily seek after something new, and even newer still, and are always longing to add something to religion, or to change it, or to subtract from it! (Lust Quotes)
If men are discharged of reverence for ancient usage, they will treat this world, almost certainly, as if it were their private property, to be consumed for their sensual gratification; and thus they will destroy in their lust for enjoyment the property of future generations, of their own contemporaries, and indeed their very own capital (Lust Quotes)
The gaze that the colonized subject casts at the colonist’s sector is a look of lust, a look of envy. Dreams of possession. Every type of possession; of sitting at the colonist’s table and sleeping in his bed, preferably with his wife. The colonized man is an envious man (Lust Quotes)
It is possible for the devil to inhabit animals the same way he inhabits humans and that causes a sin of lust (Lust Quotes)
I’ve been feeling everything. From hate to love. From love to lust. From lust to truth. I guess that’s how I know you (Lust Quotes)
The almighty dollar and the lust for world wide fame, slowly killed tradition, and for that someone should hang (Lust Quotes)
Her vice takes hold of her again, but she still refrains until some moment when, gnawed by some hideous caprice, she comes aground like a mournful wreck ruined by lust, in the midst of her own banal, perfidious pollution (Lust Quotes)
Baby don’t wake me, let me take you on an endless journey. We touch and the softest kiss explodes with lust. It’s real and you can’t deny the heat you feel. And if I die before I wake, baby that’s all right (Lust Quotes)
You can’t love someone just by looking at them. That is lust. Not saying love can’t come fast, but it doesn’t come first (Lust Quotes)
There are many winds full of anger, and lust and greed. They move the rubbish around, but the solid mountain of our true nature stays where it’s always been (Lust Quotes)
The frequency with which a man experiences lust depends upon his own physical condition, whereas the occasion which rouse such feelings in him depend upon the social conventions to which he is accustomed (Lust Quotes)
Did the poet use red to symbolize blood? Anger? Lust? Or is the wheelbarrow simply red because red sounded better than black? (Lust Quotes)
Beauty is a living abiding presence completely untouchable by all the devices of man, such as moral codes, creeds, intellectual analysis, games and cliches, the acquisitive instinct, or lust for anything whatsoever (Lust Quotes)