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Lydia Quotes

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I’d rather be insane with you than sane without you. - Jake to Lydia  (Lydia Quotes) There is more than one kind of freedom, said Aunt Lydia. Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don't underrate it  (Lydia Quotes) Lydia: Strange how you always remember the pain someone gave you, but seldom the hurt you caused them  (Lydia Quotes) I still have a Lydia Ko-signed golf ball in my sock drawer that I’ll keep for a while  (Lydia Quotes) There are plenty of writers, past and present, from Shakespeare to Henry James to Lydia Davis, who test the limits of coherence and put pressure on current notions of accessible (and acceptable) narrative methods. To thrive and change and grow, any art needs this kind of pressure.  (Lydia Quotes) I hate the attitude of, ‘oh we already have a Lydia Lunch, so we do we need a Bikini Kill.’ Well, there’s like 2 hundered million all-male bands writting ‘baby baby I love you, let me drag you around on my ankle.’ Is that enough already? Duh!  (Lydia Quotes) You look at the Barefoot Contessa or Lydia Bastianich, and it’s just like watching your mother cooking.  (Lydia Quotes)