Ma Jian Quotes

Text Quotes
I meant that the Chinese people are not aware of their own entrapment. They believe they live in a free society, but don’t realize how much they are being monitored and controlled, how much the information they receive is restricted and warped, until they step out of line, that is, and feel the heavy hand of the state fall on them (Ma Jian Quotes)
In 1989, I was on Tiananmen Square with the students, living in their makeshift tents and joining their jubilant singing of the Internationale. In the two decades since, each time that I have gone back, visions from those days seem to return with increasing persistence (Ma Jian Quotes)
In February of this year I returned to China to research my next book. The authorities know about the novels of mine that have been published in the west, including the latest one, Beijing Coma, about a student shot in Tiananmen Square, but so far have allowed me to return (Ma Jian Quotes)
The Chinese people have been forced to forget the Tiananmen massacre. There has been no public debate about the event, no official apology. The media aren’t allowed to mention it. Still today people are being persecuted and imprisoned for disseminating information about it (Ma Jian Quotes)
To become self-aware, people must be allowed to hear a plurality of opinions and then make up their own minds. They must be allowed to say, write and publish whatever they want. Freedom of expression is the most basic, but fundamental, right. Without it, human beings are reduced to automatons (Ma Jian Quotes)
The literal meaning of the Chinese characters for revolution is elimination of life (Ma Jian Quotes)
In my 20s, when I was a photojournalist in Beijing. I joined an underground art group and put on clandestine exhibitions of my paintings. (Ma Jian Quotes)
After the Tiananmen Massacre, I felt compelled not only to continue writing but to actively resist the restrictions placed on freedom of speech. I set up the publishing company in Hong Kong, with offices in Shenzhen in mainland China, and managed to publish works of fiction, philosophy, and politics by unapproved authors. (Ma Jian Quotes)
I believe that the Tibetans should have the right to control their own destinies and decide for themselves whether they want to be part of China or not. But this view isn’t shared by most Chinese, or even the leaders of most Western democracies. As long as the Communist Party is in power, there is little hope for Tibet. (Ma Jian Quotes)
If you exile a writer, however free the country he is sent to, there will always be a sense of internal constraint. (Ma Jian Quotes)
The great quality of the ‘Three Kingdoms’ is that it seems to encapsulate and portray every facet of the Chinese personality. (Ma Jian Quotes)
I believe that the power of literature is stronger than the power of tyranny (Ma Jian Quotes)
Tyrannies not only want to control your mind and thoughts but your flesh as well (Ma Jian Quotes)
When history is erased, people’s moral values are also erased (Ma Jian Quotes)
Everything I was I carry with me, everything I will belies waiting on the road ahead (Ma Jian Quotes)
I will not let a political party tell me how to live, when to die or what to believe in. Our souls are linked to the universe, but we can never see heaven, because our flesh ties us to the earth and the people around us. But when the people around you have lost their will to be free, then earth becomes a hell (Ma Jian Quotes)