Machine Quotes

Text Quotes
I have a friend of mine who does me on his answering machine, and when I call him, I answer. It’s pretty strange. (Machine Quotes)
I’m definitely a child of the 21st century and I prefer texting to phone calls, but I would prefer an answering machine over all. (Machine Quotes)
I got an answering machine for my phone. . . . Now, when I’m not home and somebody calls me up . . . they hear a recording of a busy signal. (Machine Quotes)
Like most people, you listen to yourself on the phone or an answering machine and you’re like, ‘Ugh.’ So to do something with just your voice is hard. (Machine Quotes)
I don’t really have time to sit down and write. But when I think of a melody, I call up my answering machine and sing it, so I won’t forget it. (Machine Quotes)
Texting is a lot like an answering machine. If you don’t want to talk to somebody, it’s like screening your calls. To me, it’s a way of communication, but not one that I favor. (Machine Quotes)
I let it ring. I wanted to breathe for a few minutes, and I could think of nothing that couldn’t wait. Besides, I had paid almost $50 for an answering machine. Let it earn its keep. (Machine Quotes)
Those inevitable dreams where you can’t get your column in, you know, and at first they were the Xerox telecopy, and then they were the fax machine, and then they were, you know, email. The anxiety remains the same, but the technology has changed. (Machine Quotes)
I remember endless Apple v. Windows debates in the early 90s when I was in college. Macs were better machines, everyone said; the whole Office thing was a huge pain. It was difficult to transfer files between operating systems, and generally speaking, if you wanted to do Office stuff, you needed a Windows machine. (Machine Quotes)
I shot all my stuff on ‘Arrested Development’ in one day, and was brought into a really well-oiled machine. ‘Cause it was the last season, and they were wrapping up a lot of stuff because they knew at that point that they weren’t coming back. There seemed to be kind of a freedom, and certainly the cast had a great amount of camaraderie. (Machine Quotes)
If today’s arts love the machine, technology and organization, if they aspire to precision and reject anything vague and dreamy, this implies an instinctive repudiation of chaos and a longing to find the form appropriate to our times. (Machine Quotes)
Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, we will have multiplied the intelligence, the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization a billion-fold. (Machine Quotes)
People ask me why I don’t paint oils. It takes too long. Cleaning brushes in linseed oil, and it takes six months to really dry, and all this. I don’t have that kind of time. I work with acrylic. It’s water based. You can clean it under water. If you spill it on yourself, you just throw it in the washing machine. (Machine Quotes)
Possible outfits rolled in her head like a slot machine in Atlantic City (Machine Quotes)
One has to watch out for engineers. They begin with the sewing machine and end up with the atomic bomb. (Machine Quotes)
Century-old records are the closest thing we have to a time machine. To listen to the voice of Theodore Roosevelt or the piano playing of Claude Debussy is to feel the years falling away like autumn leaves from a maple tree. (Machine Quotes)
I’ll say it again: you’ve got to put the argument back in the game. They’re trying to make baseball mechanized, a machine. They’re ruining baseball. (Machine Quotes)
I’m still working on my time machine. If I ever perfect it, I’m going back in time to prevent Ace Ventura 2 from being made. And then I’m going after Hitler. (Machine Quotes)
I get out of all of these things that many of these candidates would rather take legislation to build a time machine and go back in time to where we had, you know, no women voting, slavery was cool. I mean, it’s just kind of ridiculous. (Machine Quotes)
If you had managed to persuade my mother not to procreate, I would not exist to send you the plans for constructing your own time machine in which to travel back in time to persuade my mother not to procreate. Apparently, this is known as a pair of ducks. (Machine Quotes)
I always had all of these childhood fantasies about wanting to invent things, like a spaceship or a time machine. And everyone’s imagined what it would be like to go back in time and change things, to see what would happen if you had a different life. ‘Back to the Future’ fulfills all of those daydreams. It’s the perfect movie. (Machine Quotes)
I don’t bench press, but I use machines to work 10-12 muscle groups. Biceps, triceps, a few things for the back, calves, shoulders and so on - and then I’ll go on the running machine, cross-trainer or mountain climber. (Machine Quotes)
I would love to have some sort of ‘Back To The Future’ Delorean time machine travel device so I could go back to 1981 to see that very first Jackson 5 concert I went to, back when I was a kid. (Machine Quotes)
I have a grandson who is 20. He’s a computer guy. I’m worried that he can’t communicate without his machine. They have no personal contact with people. That’s the bad part of technology. (Machine Quotes)
A bad marriage is like an electrical thrilling machine: it makes you dance, but you can’t let go. (Machine Quotes)
I wanted to be in an anti-gravity machine so bad! Maybe a different time, a different place. (Machine Quotes)
Twiddle-twiddle away at my softly clicky keyboard for a while, making twiddly adjustments all along- and then print what I have twiddled. Glare at the printout and snarl and curse and scribble almost illegibly all over it with a ballpoint pen. Go back to the machine and enter the scribbles. Repeat this procedure until I hate the very meaning of every word I know. (Machine Quotes)
I don’t believe that in the name of the holiness of the city you have to put barbed wires, machine gun nests, mine pins and everything of that, in the name of the holiness of Jerusalem. (Machine Quotes)
Unless one is planning to go shopping - basically begging to be smothered by the ravening throngs of returners and bargain hunters; an embrace as constricting as that hugging machine designed by autistic author Temple Grandin - then Boxing Day feels like a bar after last call when the lights have been turned up. (Machine Quotes)
Baseball happens to be a game of cumulative tension but football, basketball and hockey are played with hand grenades and machine guns. (Machine Quotes)