Machinery Quotes

Text Quotes
The liberty the citizen enjoys is to be measured not by governmental machinery he lives under, whether representative or other, but by the paucity of restraints it imposes upon him (Machinery Quotes)
Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels (Machinery Quotes)
There is fuel in every bit of vegetable matter that can be fermented. There’s enough alcohol in one year’s yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for a hundred years (Machinery Quotes)
Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe (Machinery Quotes)
It is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature (Machinery Quotes)
Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand (Machinery Quotes)
Each of us has capacities. The real trick is knowing the machinery of the boat in which you are crossing the channel (Machinery Quotes)
Power and machinery, money and goods, are useful only as they set us free to live (Machinery Quotes)
I’m not human. I’m a piece of machinery. I don’t need to feel a thing. Just forge on ahead (Machinery Quotes)
Working out what it would take to program goodness into a robot shows not only how much machinery it takes to be good but how slippery the concept of goodness is to start with (Machinery Quotes)
Totalitarianism is never content to rule by external means, namely, through the state and a machinery of violence; thanks to its peculiar ideology and the role assigned to it in this apparatus of coercion, totalitarianism has discovered a means of dominating and terrorizing human beings from within (Machinery Quotes)
Good governance never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the will of those who administer that machinery. The most important element of government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders (Machinery Quotes)
Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked. Good mental machinery ought to break its own wheels and levers, if anything is thrust among them suddenly which tends to stop them or reverse their motion. A weak mind does not accumulate force enough to hurt itself; stupidity often saves a man from going mad (Machinery Quotes)
We must not conceal from ourselves that no improvement in the present depressing situation is possible without a severe struggle; for the handful of those who are really determined to do something is minute in comparison with the mass of the lukewarm and the misguided. And those who have an interest in keeping the machinery of war going are a very powerful body; they will stop at nothing to make public opinion subservient to their murderous ends (Machinery Quotes)
This is why moral uneasiness is destined to become even more acute. It is obvious that a fundamental defect, or rather a series of defects, indeed a defective machinery is at the root of contemporary economics and materialistic civilization, which does not allow the human family to break free from such radically unjust situations (Machinery Quotes)
The birth of a true poet is neither an insignificant event nor an easy delivery. Complications generally begin long before the fated soul carries its dubious light into whatever womb has been kind enough to volunteer the intricate machinery of its blood and prayers and muscles for a gestation period much longer than nine months or even nine years (Machinery Quotes)
During practically all of my public life, I have been a sincere advocate of an agreement between the leading nations of the world to set up all the necessary international machinery that would bring about a practical abolition of war between civilized nations (Machinery Quotes)
The growth of constitutional government, as we now understand it, was promoted by the establishment of two different sets of machinery for making laws and carrying on government (Machinery Quotes)
That was the big lesson for all of us. Everything was going great on paper, but we all became miserable because we were so caught up in the machinery of how you make that happen, it took away the sheer joy (Machinery Quotes)
Futurism: This was a movement of intellectuals who wanted to replace tradition with the modern world of machinery, speed, violence, and public relations. It proves that we should be careful what intellectuals wish for, because we might get it (Machinery Quotes)
The notes of this music were the last thing I heard before I went off the poop and felt myself going headlong into the icy water with the engines and machinery buzzing in my ears (Machinery Quotes)
All machinery is derived from nature, and is founded on the teaching and instruction of the revolution of the firmament (Machinery Quotes)
I witnessed the gruesome workings of the machinery of death; gear meshed with gear, like clockwork. It was the biggest and most enormous dance of death of all times (Machinery Quotes)
The interpretation of constitutional principles must not be too literal. We must remember that the machinery of government would not work if it were not allowed a little play in its joints (Machinery Quotes)
It takes so little to make people happy. Just a touch, if we know how to give it, just a word fitly spoken, a slight readjustment of some bolt or pin or bearing in the delicate machinery of a soul (Machinery Quotes)
Hollywood is ten million dollars worth of intricate and high ingenious machinery functioning elaborately to put skin on baloney (Machinery Quotes)
Order in a house ought to be like the machinery in opera, whose effect produces great pleasure, but whose ends must be hid (Machinery Quotes)
I cannot bear to look at a film that I made before 1990. Maybe 1985. There’s no sense even trying to explain it. I really just can’t watch myself. I see all the machinery at work and it just drives me nuts, so I don’t look at anything (Machinery Quotes)
Never worry about theory as long as the machinery does what it’s supposed to do (Machinery Quotes)
Make the people sovereign and the poor will use the machinery of government to dispossess the rich (Machinery Quotes)