Machines were, it may be said, the weapon employed by the capitalists to quell the revolt of specialized labor

Machines were, it may be said, the weapon employed by the capitalists to quell the revolt of specialized labor
Karl Marx, a renowned philosopher and economist, believed that machines were used by capitalists as a means to suppress the revolt of specialized labor. In his seminal work, "Capital: Critique of Political Economy," Marx argued that the introduction of machines in the industrial revolution fundamentally changed the relationship between labor and capital. He believed that machines were a tool used by capitalists to increase productivity, reduce labor costs, and ultimately exploit workers for their own gain.Marx viewed machines as a means of alienating workers from the products of their labor. He argued that the use of machines in production processes led to the deskilling of workers, as they were no longer required to perform specialized tasks. This, in turn, made workers easily replaceable and expendable, as they could be easily replaced by machines. As a result, workers were forced to compete with machines for jobs, leading to a decrease in wages and an increase in unemployment.
Furthermore, Marx believed that machines were used by capitalists to increase the intensity of labor and extract surplus value from workers. By speeding up production processes and increasing output, capitalists were able to maximize profits at the expense of workers' well-being. This led to harsh working conditions, long hours, and low wages for workers, as they were forced to work harder and faster to keep up with the demands of machines.