Madame De Stael Quotes

Text Quotes
Man’s most valuable faculty is his imagination (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Morality must guide calculation, and calculation must guide politics (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The pursuit of politics is religion, morality, and poetry all in one (Madame De Stael Quotes)
When at eve, at the bounding of the landscape, the heavens appear to recline so slowly on the earth, imagination pictures beyond the horizon an asylum of hope, - a native land of love; and nature seems silently to repeat that man is immortal. (Madame De Stael Quotes)
When at eve, at the bounding of the landscape, the heavens appear to recline so slowly on the Earth, imagination pictures beyond the horizon an asylum of hope - a native land of love; and nature seems silently to repeat that man is immortal (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The soul is a fire that darts its rays through all the senses; it is in this fire that existence consists; all the observations and all the efforts of philosophers ought to turn towards this me, the centre and moving power of our sentiments and our ideas (Madame De Stael Quotes)
If it were not for respect for human opinions, I would not open my window to see the bay of naples for the first time, whilst I would go five hundred leagues to talk with a man of genius whom I had not seen (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Conscience is doubtless sufficient to conduct the coldest character into the road of virtue; but enthusiasm is to conscience what honor is to duty; there is in us a superfluity of soul, which it is sweet to consecrate to the beautiful when the good has been accomplished (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The sight of such a monument is like continual and stationary music which one hears for one's good as one approaches it (Madame De Stael Quotes)
O Earth! All bathed with blood and years, yet never hast thou ceased putting forth thy fruit and flowers (Madame De Stael Quotes)
How true it is that, sooner or later, the most rebellious must bow beneath the yoke of misfortune! (Madame De Stael Quotes)
However old a conjugal union, it still garners some sweetness. Winter has some cloudless days, and under the snow a few flowers still bloom (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Divine wisdom, intending to detain us some time on Earth, has done well to cover with a veil the prospect of life to come; for if our sight could clearly distinguish the opposite bank, who would remain on this tempestuous coast? (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Tombs decked by the arts can scarcely represent death as a formidable enemy; we do not, indeed, like the ancients, carve sports and dances in the sarcophagus, but thought is diverted from the bier by works that tell of immortality, even from the altar of death (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Thought can never be compared with action, but when it awakens in us the image of truth (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Have you not observed that faith is generally strongest in those whose character may be called the weakest? (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Where no interest is takes in science, literature and liberal pursuits, mere facts and insignificant criticisms necessarily become the themes of discourse; and minds, strangers alike to activity and meditation, become so limited as to render all intercourse with them at once tasteless and oppressive (Madame De Stael Quotes)
To pray together, in whatever tongue or ritual, is the most tender brotherhood of hope and sympathy that men can contract in this life (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Men have made of fortune an all-powerful Goddess, in order that she may be made responsible for all their blunder's (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The only equitable manner in my opinion, of judging the character of a man is to examine if there are personal calculations in his conduct; if there are not, we may blame his manner of judging, but we are not the less bound to esteem him (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Only the refined and delicate pleasures that spring from research and education can build up barriers between different ranks (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Doubtless the human face is the grandest of all mysteries; yet fixed on canvas it can hardly tell of more than one sensation; no struggle, no successive contrasts accessible to dramatic art, can painting give, as neither time nor motion exists for her (Madame De Stael Quotes)
And all the bustle of departure - sometimes sad, sometimes intoxicating - just as fear or hope may be inspired by the new chances of coming destiny (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Superstition is related to this life, religion to the next; superstition is allied to fatality, religion to virtue; it is by the vivacity of Earthly desires that we become superstitious; it is. On the contrary, by the sacrifice of these desires that we become religious (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Enthusiasm gives life to what is invisible; and interest to what has no immediate action on our comfort in this world (Madame De Stael Quotes)
It seems to me that we become more dear one to the other, in together admiring works of art, which speak to the soul by their true grandeur (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The face of a woman, whatever be the force or extent of her mind, whatever be the importance of the object she pursues, is always an obstacle or a reason in the story of her life (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Wit consists in knowing the resemblance of things which differ, and the difference of things which are alike (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Mystery such as is given of God is beyond the power of human penetration, yet not in opposition to it (Madame De Stael Quotes)
When women oppose themselves to the projects and ambition of men, they excite their lively resentment; if in their youth they meddle with political intrigues, their modesty must suffer (Madame De Stael Quotes)