Madame De Stael Quotes

Text Quotes
Who understands much forgives much. To understand everything makes us very forgiving (Madame De Stael Quotes)
I am glad that I am not a man, for then I should have to marry a woman (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The world is the work of a single thought, expressed in a thousand different ways (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The mind may be exhausted, but the language of the heart is inexhaustible (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The greater part of what women write about women is mere sycophancy to man (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Wit lies in the likeness of things that are different, and in the difference of things that are alike (Madame De Stael Quotes)
To pray together, in whatever tongue or ritual, is the most tender brotherhood of hope and sympathy that man can contract in this life (Madame De Stael Quotes)
I believe that happiness consists in having a destiny in keeping with our abilities. Our desires are things of the moment, often harmful even to ourselves; but our abilities are permanent, and their demands never cease (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The evil arising from mental improvement can be corrected only by a still further progress in that very improvement. Either morality is a fable, or the more enlightened we are, the more attached to it we become (Madame De Stael Quotes)
If we would succeed in works of the imagination, we must offer a mild morality in the midst of rigid manners; but where the manners are corrupt, we must consistently hold up to view an austere morality (Madame De Stael Quotes)
You do not reach the sublime by degrees; the distance between it and the merely beautiful is infinite (Madame De Stael Quotes)
When men do wrong, it is out of hardness; when women do wrong, it is out of weakness (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Beauty is one in the universe, and, whatever form it assumes, it always arouses a religious feeling in the hearts of mankind (Madame De Stael Quotes)
A perfect piece of architecture kindles that aimless reverie, which bears the soul we know not whither (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Nothing is so horrifying as the possibility of existing simply because we do not know how to die (Madame De Stael Quotes)
New doctrines ever displease the old. They like to fancy that the world has been losing wisdom, instead of gaining it, since they were young (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The people are as severe toward the clergy as toward women; they want to see absolute devotion to duty from both (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Nature, who permits no two leaves to be exactly alike, has given a still greater diversity to human minds. Imitation, then, is a double murder; for it deprives both copy and original of their primitive existence (Madame De Stael Quotes)
There are only two distinct classes of people on this earth, those who espouse enthusiasm and those who despise it (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Of all human sentiments, enthusiasm creates the most happiness; it is the only sentiment in fact which gives real happiness, the only sentiment which can help us to bear our human destiny in any situation in which we may find ourselves (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The life of famous men was more glorious in antiquity; the life of obscure men is happier with the moderns (Madame De Stael Quotes)
I never was able to believe in the existence of next year except as in a metaphysical notion (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Unhappy love freezes all our affections: our own souls grow inexplicable to us. More than we gained while we were happy we lose by the reverse (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The entire social order... is arrayed against a woman who wants to rise to a man’s reputation (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Intellect is a sin that must be atoned for by leading exactly the life of those who have none (Madame De Stael Quotes)
In Italy, almost at every step, history and poetry add to the graces of nature, sweeten the memory of the past, and seem to preserve it in eternal youth (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The most beautiful landscapes in the world, if they evoke no memory, if they bear no trace of a remarkable event, are uninteresting compared to historic landscapes (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Why shouldn’t man be as angry about not having always been alive as about having to stop being alive? (Madame De Stael Quotes)
Love, supreme power of the heart, mysterious enthusiasm that encloses in itself all poetry, all heroism, all religion! (Madame De Stael Quotes)
The memories which come to us through music are not accompanied by any regrets; for a moment music gives us back the pleasures it retraces, and we feel them again rather than recollect them (Madame De Stael Quotes)