Made It Quotes

Text Quotes
You can’t legitimately kick on income tax, for it’s on what you have made. You have already made it. But, look at land, farms, homes, stores, vacant lots. You pay year after year on them whether you make it or not (Made It Quotes)
In my life there have been several individuals whose presence made it easier for me to think, pleasanter to make my responses (Made It Quotes)
The eternal challenge for screenwriter adapters is figuring out how to make something work on screen, when so much of what made it work in the book were the thoughts of the character, and obviously wanting to avoid voiceover (Made It Quotes)
With kids you can take a chance but casting a guy at 45 is different. You don’t discover somebody that age. If an actor hasn’t made it by that time he probably has no talent (Made It Quotes)
If I’m over a song two weeks after I made it, I’m not going to put it out. It has to last months (Made It Quotes)
If you’ve written it you know exactly; whoever you’re playing if you’ve written it you already know it. As a matter of fact, you’ve already made the movie if you wrote it. You’ve made it in your head (Made It Quotes)
A government shutdown, it isn`t the end of the world. It`s a bad thing. The government stops working for a few days. We cover it a lot. Polls turn against who ever made it stop working (Made It Quotes)
People feel guilty enough at funerals without having more guilt heaped on. I would prefer a bighearted preacher giving my eulogy, someone inclined to widen heaven’s doors. I don’t want to leave folks wondering whether I made it (Made It Quotes)
Carlyle uttered a pregnant truth when he said that the history of any country is in the biographies of the men who made it (Made It Quotes)
My mother made it seem perfectly normal for thousands of people to be cheering me, as if there was nothing special going on. I thought all children must live as I did (Made It Quotes)
Burton, though an infidel, made it his business to investigate thoroughly every religion. Know a man’s faith, and you knew at least half the man. Know his wife, and you knew the other half (Made It Quotes)
I have always made it a point to know our employees, to visit every facility of our company, and to try to meet and know every single employee (Made It Quotes)
When you can spell subpoena without thinking about it, that’s when you know you’ve made it (Made It Quotes)
The thinking person has the strange characteristic to like to create a fantasy in the place of the unsolved problem, a fantasy that stays with the person even when the problem has been solved and truth made its appearance (Made It Quotes)
Wipeout is a giant obstacle course for adults of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Whoever wins takes home $50,000 and gets to brag to all of their coworkers that they made it out alive! (Made It Quotes)
A small gold plain cross was passed down from my grandma to my mom, then to me, and now to my daughter. It is always nice to own something that connects you to the women who made it possible for you to exist (Made It Quotes)
If you would have the message of the gods to direct your life, look for that which repeats... It comes again and again until you have made it part of your soul and your enduring spirit (Made It Quotes)
Recording happiness made it last longer, we felt, and recording sorrow dramatized it and took away its bitterness; and often we settled some problem which beset us even while we wrote about it (Made It Quotes)
What has made it work, or what makes certain paintings successful or not, has to do with my being a painter and a thinking, feeling person, more than my sex, color, height, origin (Made It Quotes)
I am never free of the past. I have made it crystal clear that I believe the past is part of the present which becomes part of the future (Made It Quotes)
No human being can destroy the structure of a marriage except the two who made it. It is the one human edifice that is impregnable except from within (Made It Quotes)
My 20s were a time where I made it; my 30s were when I was away, confused, and trying to figure it all out (Made It Quotes)
I was the class podiatrist. I never made it to class clown. I wasn’t funny enough. I would examine feet and prescribe and ointment. It was a sad childhood (Made It Quotes)
It’s tough for those celebrity couples. It’s really hard. My wife wasn’t in the limelight, which made it easier... the key is to keep it happy, light, and fun (Made It Quotes)
It’s all very hazy to me now. I’m glad I made it through that stage. It got a little dicey. There were some drugs going on. I remember singing one song for about a day and a half (Made It Quotes)
I owe baseball all that I have and much of what I hope to have. Baseball made my entrance to the film industry immeasurably easier than I could have made it alone. To the greatest game in the world I shall be eternally in debt (Made It Quotes)
I’m also the first straight woman to host this in 20 years, so, we finally made it, straight people (Made It Quotes)
I dated a lot, but I never really had anyone who was worthy of an anniversary. And most girlfriends never made it to a year, anyway (Made It Quotes)
Think of your favorite teacher you ever had in school: the one who made it the most fun to go to class. They surprise you. They keep you guessing. They keep you coming back, wanting to know whats going to happen next (Made It Quotes)
In the theater, everything is ephemeral. Everything is almost weightless and without a very clear definition of how you made it (Made It Quotes)