Madeleine LEngle Quotes

Text Quotes
It is ... through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth. (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
Lords of fire and earth and water,Lords of moon and wind and sky,Come now to the Old Man’s daughter,Come from fathers long gone by.Bring blue from a distance eye.Lords of water, earth, and fire,Lords of wind and snow and rain,Give to my heart’s desire.Life as all life comes with pain,But blue will come to us again. (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
There is nothing that makes me happier than sitting around the dinner table and talking until the candles are burned down. (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
Deepest communion with God is beyond words, on the other side of silence (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
The deeper and richer a personality is, the more full it is of paradox and contradiction. It is only a shallow character who offers us no problems of contrast. (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
I know writers who write only when inspiration comes. How would Isaac Stern play if he played the violin only when he felt like it? He would be lousy (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
Lords of spirit, Lords of breath,Lords of fireflies, stars, and light,Who will keep the world from death?Who will stop the coming night?Blue eyes, blue eyes, have the sight. (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
Lords of blue and Lords of gold,Lords of wind and waters wild,Lords of time that’s growing old,When will come the season mild?When will come blue Madoc’s child? (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
Lords of space and Lords of time,Lords of blessing, Lords of grace,Who is in the warmer clime?Who will follow Madoc’s rhyme?Blue will alter time and space. (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
When we celebrate Christmas, we are celebrating that amazing time when the Word that shouted all the galaxies into being limited all power and, for love of us, came to us in the powerless body of a human baby. (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
No long-term marriage is made easily, and there have been times when I’ve been so angry or so hurt that I thought my love would never recover. (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
As long as we know what it’s about, then we can have the courage to go wherever we are asked to go, even if we fear that the road may take us through danger and pain. (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
For an artist is not a consumer, as our commercials urge us to be. An artist is a nourisher and a creator who knows that during the act of creation there is collaboration. We do not create alone (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
You’ve got to accept the fact that you are basically not teaching a subject, you are teaching children (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
What is self-image? Who started talking about one? I rather fancy it was Madison Avenue (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
Following Christ has nothing to do with success as the world sees success. It has to do with love (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
Maybe you have to know darkness before you can appreciate the light (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
A book comes and says, ‘Write me.’ My job is to try to serve it to the best of my ability, which is never good enough, but all I can do is listen to it, do what it tells me and collaborate (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
Conversion for me was not a Damascus Road experience. I slowly moved into an intellectual acceptance of what my intuition had always known (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
That’s the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they’ve been all along (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
We can’t take any credit for our talents. It’s how we use them that counts (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
When we were children, we used to think that when we were grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability... To be alive is to be vulnerable (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
Truth is eternal. Knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
We are all strangers in a strange land, longing for home, but not quite knowing what or where home is. We glimpse it sometimes in our dreams, or as we turn a corner, and suddenly there is a strange, sweet familiarity that vanishes almost as soon as it comes (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
The uncommon man has done the impossible and there has been that much more light in the world because of it. Children respond to heroes by thinking creatively and sometimes in breaking beyond the bounds of the impossible in their turn, and so becoming heroes themselves (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
When a promise is broken, the promise still remains. In one way or another, we are all unfaithful to each other, and physical unfaithfulness is not the worst kind there is (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
When we are self-conscious, we cannot be wholly aware; we must throw ourselves out first. This throwing ourselves away is the act of creativity (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
Creative scientists and saints expect revelation and do not fear it. Neither do children. But as we grow up and we are hurt, we learned not to trust (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)
You and I have good enough minds to know how very limited and finite they really are. The naked intellect is an extraordinarily inaccurate instrument (Madeleine LEngle Quotes)