Magnanimous Quotes

Text Quotes
Mankind can be very magnanimous, given the chance (Magnanimous Quotes)
How magnanimous was a gesture if one were constantly aware of its magnanimity? (Magnanimous Quotes)
I feel like most people aren’t either/or, they’re both/and. You’re both magnanimous and petty. You’re both kind and cruel. You’re never just one thing (Magnanimous Quotes)
Be about ten times more magnanimous than you believe yourself capable of. Your life will be a hundred times better for it (Magnanimous Quotes)
It’s Dorian, by the way. Not ‘Your Highness’.Very Well.Say it.Say what?Say my name. Say, ‘Very well, Dorian’.She rolled her eyesIf it pleases Your Magnanimous Holiness, I shall call you by your first name.Magnanimous Holiness? Oh, I like that one. (Magnanimous Quotes)
Lyndon Johnson was thirteen of the most interesting and difficult men I ever met. He could be as couth as he was uncouth, as magnanimous as malicious, at times proud and sensitive, at times paranoid and darkly uneasy with himself. Freud would have had a field day with him. (Magnanimous Quotes)
Through him speaks a shrewd and magnanimous people, a people who have woven together into one wisdom a profound, old, terrible, and unimaginably various experience of life. But he himself is young: impatient, inexperienced. He stands higher than we stand, seeing wider, but he is himself only the height of a man. (Magnanimous Quotes)
A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery. It cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another. (Magnanimous Quotes)
I feel like most people aren’t either/or, they’re both/and. You’re both magnanimous and petty. You’re both kind and cruel. You’re never just one thing. (Magnanimous Quotes)
If I have not the power to put myself in the place of other people, but must be continually burrowing inward, I shall never be the magnanimous creative person I wish to be. Yet I am hypnotized by the workings of the individual, alone, and am continually using myself as a specimen. (Magnanimous Quotes)
In my judgment, the American people are too brave, too charitable, too generous, too magnanimous, to believe in the infamous dogma of an eternal hell. (Magnanimous Quotes)
No leader did more for his country than Winston Churchill. Brave, magnanimous, traditional, he was like a king-general from Britain’s heroic past. His gigantic qualities set him apart from ordinary humanity; there seemed no danger he feared, no effort too great for his limitless energies (Magnanimous Quotes)
He who is too much afraid of being duped has lost the power of being magnanimous (Magnanimous Quotes)
There is nothing magnanimous in bearing misfortunes with fortitude, when the whole world is looking on... He who, without friends to encourage or even without hope to alleviate his misfortunes, can behave with tranquility and indifference, is truly great (Magnanimous Quotes)
A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another (Magnanimous Quotes)
We must not let the actions or words of others determine our responses. Magnanimous people make the choice to respond to the indignities of others based upon their own principles and their own value system rather than their moods or anger (Magnanimous Quotes)
It is the characteristic of the magnanimous man to ask no favor but to be ready to do kindness to others (Magnanimous Quotes)
There is an indissoluble union between a magnanimous policy and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity (Magnanimous Quotes)
You cannot give anything to a magnanimous person. After you have served him, he at once puts you in debt by his magnanimity (Magnanimous Quotes)
If I can acquire money and also keep myself modest and faithful and magnanimous, point out the way, and I will acquire it (Magnanimous Quotes)
I have never on the field of battle sent you where I was unwilling to go myself, nor would I now advise you to a course which I felt myself unwilling to pursue. You have been good soldiers. You can be good citizens. Obey the laws, preserve your honor, and the government to which you have surrendered can afford to be and will be magnanimous (Magnanimous Quotes)
We can do anything, or almost, but how balanced, magnanimous, and modest one has to be to do anything! And also how patient. It is as true in the arts as anywhere else (Magnanimous Quotes)
How delightful is the company of generous people, who overlook trifles and keep their minds instinctively fixed on whatever is good and positive in the world about them. People of small caliber are always carping. They are bent on showing their own superiority, their knowledge or prowess or good breeding. But magnanimous people have no vanity, they have no jealousy, and they feed on the true and the solid wherever they find it. And what is more, they find it everywhere (Magnanimous Quotes)
If the gentleman has ability, he is magnanimous, generous, tolerant, and straightforward, through which he opens the way to instruct others (Magnanimous Quotes)
Magnanimous people have no vanity, they have no jealousy, and they feed on the true and the solid wherever they find it. And, what is more, they find it everywhere (Magnanimous Quotes)
It is one of my favorite thoughts that God manifests Himself to men in all the wise, good, humble, generous, great, and magnanimous men (Magnanimous Quotes)
In a serious struggle there is no worse cruelty than to be magnanimous at an inopportune time (Magnanimous Quotes)