Mail Quotes

Text Quotes
Fundraisers treat men completely differently than women. As a matter of fact, many of them have the default on their direct mail set up to read Mister, and it really rankles a lot of women. (Mail Quotes)
The Net is not television. It is the finest direct-marketing mechanism in the history of mankind. It is direct mail with free stamps, and it allows you to create richer and deeper relationships than you’ve ever been able to create before. (Mail Quotes)
I say to the Christians and to every missionary on the reservations, you’re welcome to have a church here if you can support yourself. But if these churches can’t support themselves, then take the hint and quit using our poverty for your direct mail solicitations. (Mail Quotes)
Direct mail was the basis of a lot of new Right organizations in the 70s and early 80s, and it actually led to the downfall of the majority of them. It’s very expensive, and you end up putting your organization more and more in debt if you’re not successful with it. (Mail Quotes)
Instead of waiting until the holiday season - when mail solicitations flood in from worthy organizations - and making a flurry of gifts because this is the time of year to give, sit down and take stock. Identify your passion, learn about it, and direct your time, mind, and dollars to aligned causes and organizations. (Mail Quotes)
The dog is very smart. He feels sorry for me because I receive so much mail; that’s why he tries to bite the mailman. (Mail Quotes)
Some of the best fan mail I get are from our men and women in the military and intelligence communities. They say, ‘Boy you do your homework, this is exactly how we’re doing it.’ (Mail Quotes)
That’s my dream job, to be able to mail songs out to people who want to hear them. Paste my face on them and not travel all over the world trying to sell them. (Mail Quotes)
I remember being unemployed and walking the East Village streets for many years, constantly checking my voice mail on pay phones, hoping for an audition. (Mail Quotes)
Libertarians understand a very simple fact of life: Government doesn’t work. It can’t deliver the mail on time, it doesn’t keep our cities safe, it doesn’t educate our children properly. (Mail Quotes)
Viewers have a way of remembering the celebrity while forgetting the product. I did not know this when I paid Eleanor Roosevelt $35,000 to make a commercial for margarine. She reported that her mail was equally divided. One half was sad because I had damaged my reputation. The other half was happy because I had damaged my reputation. Not one of my proudest memories. (Mail Quotes)
Handwriting challenges aside, I love paper cards. I love the endless stewing involved in picking them out at the store. I love buying holiday stamps at the post office, and I love that ‘whoosh’ sound the cards make when I drop them into the mail slot. (Mail Quotes)
[Giving welfare to poor people] is the equivalent of the government sending [fat people] a jumbo bag of Bugles in the mail twice a month. (Mail Quotes)
In 1997, in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I stated, ‘Your home is not an asset.’ Real estate agents sent me hate mail. (Mail Quotes)
We think we’re saving time with microwaves, cell phones, beepers, computers and voice mail, but often these things help us create the illusion of getting somewhere - and they foster a chain of constant activity. We’re really just squeezing extra activity into every minute that we gain. (Mail Quotes)
It wasn’t fair, but fairness was something you had to go get; it wasn’t delivered like the mail. (Mail Quotes)
You know something is wrong when the government declares opening someone else’s mail is a felony but your internet activity is fair game for data collecting. (Mail Quotes)
I consider my greatest strength my complete and utter faith in a loving God. Strong family values are also important and I do not hesitate to write them into my books. My reader mail tells me this is something that readers especially like about my books. (Mail Quotes)
I don’t know if I’m a heartthrob or if I want to be one! I heard that I get the most fan mail. It’s very flattering, and lovely to be popular with the public. (Mail Quotes)
Yes, I receive fan mail. One of my favorite things to do is sit down and read the letters people write. It’s really amazing the time people take to write these letters, tell their stories, draw pictures, etc. (Mail Quotes)
I mean I appreciate fan mail and that the people like what I am doing but I can’t answer it. If I would answer 25 letters a day I would be just a guy answering mail and not an artist anymore. (Mail Quotes)
I get a lot of fan mail addressed to Bilbo and sometimes Sir Bilbo - it’s hardly ever addressed to Ian Holm, in fact. My business manager drafts the replies, and then I pop in to the office and sign them, ‘Bilbo!’ (Mail Quotes)
In ‘The Secret Agent,’ it’s basically a character that was admired by Theodore Kaczynski, which is some fan mail you don’t really want to open. This is a man who is a chemist and who specializes in making bombs and despises humanity. (Mail Quotes)
I couldn’t hope to be in anything better than ‘Misfits.’ The reaction from fans has been mental. The weirdest thing is when people tell me I’m their inspiration. I can’t believe I get fan mail, and loads of free clothes. Adidas sent me lots of stuff; it’s wicked! (Mail Quotes)
I get a lot of fan mail from girls. It’s interesting because it’s not just the U.S. - you get things from people all over the world. They send these postage stamps and you’re like, ‘Where do you live?’ It’s crazy. I’ll get letters from the troops, too. (Mail Quotes)
The emails and the tweets and the Facebook posts and the fan mail that we get from young people all over America that are on the football team or on the hockey team are so touching. They tell me, ‘Hey, this is me. I still have to remain in the closet, but your role in 90210’ makes me feel better the way being gay is being portrayed.’ (Mail Quotes)
I take the fan response very seriously and respond personally to my fan mail (Mail Quotes)
I think it’s a sensible thing not to read your fan mail - not to take it too seriously (Mail Quotes)
Although I get so much fan mail from Great Britain, tell me, am I more famous there than Michael Madsen? (Mail Quotes)
One reason I relate to ‘Veronica Mars’ fans is because I can totally geek out about shows. I mean, I write Vince Gilligan fan mail every year. (Mail Quotes)