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Mailer Quotes

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Somebody like Mailer brings to that role everything that he stands for. The types of characters that I gravitate towards, the types of icons, tend to have a heavy physicality in that way  (Mailer Quotes) I loved Woody Allen’s short pieces. I was equally influenced by Woody Allen and Norman Mailer. I was very into this idea of being high-low, of being serious and intellectual but also making really broad jokes.  (Mailer Quotes) When interviewing for a job, tell the editor how you love to report. How your passion is gathering information. Do not mention how you want to be a writer, use the word ‘prose,’ or that deep down you have a sinking suspicion you are the next Norman Mailer.  (Mailer Quotes) I’ve always been a fan of books that create an interesting blend of fact and fiction - whether it’s Norman Mailer, or ‘The Short Timers,’ or ‘In Cold Blood.’ I’m a fan of that genre.  (Mailer Quotes)