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I had one life. And what did I do? Wasted it in some palooka preliminaries in Spain, just before Hitler and Chamberlain warm up for the main event  (Main Quotes) ... the main concern of the fiction writer is with mystery as it is incarnated in human life  (Main Quotes) I guess my main worry is that people will start hating what I hate about myself. I worry that everyone will think I am really annoying and just want me to shut up. Which would make so much sense because I annoy myself... I guess I want people to know that if they are annoyed with me, I get it, it’s totally cool. Please forgive me  (Main Quotes) My one main secret I did right after my pageants days, is I only wash my hair once a week. I tell everyone, ‘You have to stop washing your hair so much!’  (Main Quotes) Day by day, it’s worse for my people, especially for the women. And that’s why, because of all of these main reasons, we say this is the mockery of democracy and mockery of War on Terror  (Main Quotes) The main thing I need to do is create, hopefully, exquisitely beautiful, desirable objects for my customer  (Main Quotes) The other thing that soy contributes to, of course, is hydrogenated oil. This is the main oil. This is the fast-food oil  (Main Quotes) I grew up with my older brother listening to hip hop, and Jay-Z was the main person I listened to. When it comes to his word play, he’s just out of this world. That’s my biggest inspiration when it comes to writing lyrics  (Main Quotes) My main question that I ask of my characters is, ‘What does it feel like to be you? And how do you get through the day? Where do you find the hope and faith to endure getting through the days, and what are your days like?’  (Main Quotes) You have to figure out what’s important and keep the main points, though I will swing a little outside the box. It affords me the freedom to find out who the character is, and it’s been a positive technique for me. I’m not saying everyone should change words, but if you can do it with confidence, you may nail it  (Main Quotes) My main quarrel with liberalism is not that liberalism places great emphasis on individual rights - I believe rights are very important and need to be respected. The issue is whether it is possible to define and justify our rights without taking a stand on the moral and even sometimes religious convictions that citizens bring to public life  (Main Quotes) There’s no platform for an unsigned music scene in the main cities - it’s all hyped acts or showcases behind closed doors. I read about artists that are doing it ‘the old-fashioned way’ and touring, as if that’s a unique thing to do - well, that should just be the way it is  (Main Quotes) The main interest of most members of the Christian Coalition is the breakdown of the family. I think that’s our biggest problem, and if the whole country was as concerned and active in issues of the family as members of the Christian Coalition are, we’d probably be better off as a country  (Main Quotes) As for family values, they are whatever they are - some families are tight, others are blown away like dandelion puffs. A main value in Minnesota is still: don’t waste my time, don’t B.S. me, I wasn’t born yesterday  (Main Quotes) Every time you need protein, get yourself a boiled egg in. But your main meals would be chicken, or hummus, or white fish. You can lose about a pound a day. But you can do this stuff over a period of time, and you can have your happy days. It’s about motivation and it has to be something that’s realistic for you to keep up  (Main Quotes) I do think that in the near future, if it hasn’t happened already, people will be able to use technology to design their own novels, perhaps with individuals themselves as the main character. In other words, everything is being individualized and narrowed  (Main Quotes) In a world of increasing interdependence, energy security will depend much on how countries manage their relations with one another. That is why energy security will be one of the main challenges of foreign policy in the years ahead. Oil and gas have always been political commodities  (Main Quotes) Mr. John Coleman, who invented the Weather Channel, represents over 30,000 scientists who cannot get their voices heard on the main stream media, since they hold a viewpoint on Global Warming that runs opposite to the government and media template. The voices of reason are being suppressed  (Main Quotes) I moved to the east coast when everybody else was going to the west coast. I (then) chased it back toward the west coast. I built my career up by doing small roles (which led) to principal roles and getting bumped into main character roles  (Main Quotes) There is a diverse meaning to the lyrics as well. A lot of the stuff I write is from a personal level but is not really anything that I care about if people get or not so I write alot of the stuff as metaphors based in Viking mythology and Viking History which is sort of my main interest in life and sort of my main atmosphere in life  (Main Quotes) One of the main reasons I’m vegan is because I’m ethically lazy. My friends who eat meat or who eat eggs have to sometimes wrestle with the ethical consequences of their actions. By being vegan, I take the easy way out  (Main Quotes) The main advantage of being a reviewer is that you read a lot. A lot of books get sent to you, and you have an amazing vantage point from which to observe what’s going on in contemporary fiction - not only genre stuff, the whole spectrum  (Main Quotes) The stability of the rate is the main issue and the Central Bank manages to ensure it one way or another. This was finally achieved after the Central Bank switched to a floating national currency exchange rate  (Main Quotes) The main thing is the ability to control your instrument, which, in the actor, is yourself. Look the way you want the character to look. Sound the way you want the character to sound. Once you’ve trained the instrument to do what you want, you’re in control, and you’re free  (Main Quotes) I made mistakes. My supporters and I failed to prevent a main like [Mikhail] Saakashvili from acquiring absolute power. I should have criticized him earlier on  (Main Quotes) In the United States, one of the main topics of academic political science is the study of attitudes and policy and their correlation. The study of attitudes is reasonably easy in the United States: heavily-polled society, pretty serious and accurate polls, and policy you can see, and you can compare them  (Main Quotes) One of my main decisions when accepting the job of Children’s Laureate was that I must continue working on picture books. If I don’t write and illustrate for some time, then I begin to question who I am  (Main Quotes) My main focus is always to do well on the field for the Indian cricket team. When people say good things about me off the field, I am more than happy to accept them  (Main Quotes) I don’t really focus on these things - on what tags are given to me or what people think of me off the field - stuff like that. My main focus is always to do well on the field for the Indian cricket team. When people say good things about me off the field, I am more than happy to accept them  (Main Quotes) Learning to inhibit unwanted contractions of muscles that function without, or in spite of, our will, is the main task in coordinated action  (Main Quotes)
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