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I don’t listen well at all. I don’t take direction well at all. I have to admit that is my main fault.  (Main Quotes) Advertising, an art, is constantly besieged and compromised by logicians and technocrats, the scientists of our profession who wildly miss the main point about everything we do¦  (Main Quotes) Beauty is the main positive form of the aesthetic assimilation of reality, in which aesthetic ideal finds it direct expression.  (Main Quotes) Letting go of things and not being afraid of being ridiculous or over the top - I think that’s the main thing for me to work on.  (Main Quotes) The African-American tradition, in the main, is very, very church-based, very, very Christian. It accepts, you know, certain narratives about the world. I didn’t really have that present in my house.  (Main Quotes) My father had the main barber- and beauty-supply business in the African-American community in Buffalo.  (Main Quotes) I just don’t like boring myself. That’s one of the main reasons I did ‘Ice Age’ - because I’d never done something like this before.  (Main Quotes) In October 2008, American commandos launched a cross-border raid into Syria to capture an Islamic militant known as Abu Ghadiya. He was accused of being one of al Qaeda in Iraq’s main smugglers of fighters and money between Iraq and Syria.  (Main Quotes) To wisely live your life, you don’t need to know muchJust remember two main rules for the beginning:You better starve, than eat whateverAnd better be alone, than with whoever.  (Main Quotes) If I could sum up ‘Shadow’s Claim’ in six words: cage fights with hot alpha males. Seriously, though, while the fights are the backdrop for Trehan and Bettina’s love story, the main emphasis is on how Trehan - a pitiless master assassin - wages the ultimate battle to win her heart.  (Main Quotes) The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is, just be nice to everyone and always smile.  (Main Quotes) I don’t try to be someone I’m not - I’ve always followed my heart and trance has always been my main sound.  (Main Quotes) My main trick is to work with amazing people. It’s a long and twisty journey, and you need people that really are amazing and have this rare gift of honesty and courage and really open up.  (Main Quotes) We shouldn’t feel restricted by our sexuality, and our sexuality doesn’t have to be a cultural choice. That’s an amazing variety of music within those five main performers.  (Main Quotes) Most of the Amazon basin is as flat as a pancake and laced with extravagantly meandering waterways. One school of thought holds that more than 145 million years ago, when Africa and South America were joined, the Amazon’s main stem was connected to the Niger River and actually flowed in the opposite direction, toward the Pacific Ocean.  (Main Quotes) In life, everything just happens, and I believe even before we are born that our role in life has already been determined. My main ambition is to continue to write music, which helps me to evolve in a spiritual sense and hopefully to inspire others.  (Main Quotes) As British and French imperialism ebbed following the end of the Second World War, America became the main outside player in Arab affairs.  (Main Quotes) The main differences between contemporary English and American literature is that the baleful pseudo-professionalism imparted by all those crap M.F.A. writing programs has yet to settle like a miasma of standardization on the English literary scene. But it’s beginning to happen.  (Main Quotes) I did not have a mobile phone in 1993. No one did, except the occasional banker or Hollywood star seeming smart, or the main character in ‘American Psycho.’ In 1993, every day was ‘let’s get lost.’ I could walk Greenwich Village for hours and not be found.  (Main Quotes) I saw them do it. Chip vandals. Right there on Commerce, behind the main road...They cut his head open. They know I watched.  (Main Quotes) In some places, there’s the concept of one religion, one truth. In the Muslim world, there’s the notion of Allah. The Western, multireligious modern society is some kind of a challenge to this. These, I feel, are the main causes [for terrorism], and, when combined with lots of anger and frustration, cause a huge amount of hate.  (Main Quotes) My main issue is sustainability of the Earth, and protection of those animals and people who dwell here.  (Main Quotes) When you’re guest-starring on another show, it really requires you to jump through hoops in a way, because you’re servicing the stories of the main characters. You have to be able to portray a lot of different elements. You show up and get on board and get on their journey; you have to be flexible as to what they need for the role.  (Main Quotes) I was never on the side of the teachers at school. Even though I put all the work into getting the main role in the end-of-year musical when I was 11, they didn’t give it me, even though they knew I should have had it. That sort of drove me into am dram and getting the main part in another production. And I did.  (Main Quotes) For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you.  (Main Quotes) Insofar as Zionism sought to solve the Jewish question, it must be reckoned not just a failure but a catastrophe: Israel is the main cause of anti-Semitism in the world today.  (Main Quotes) I grew up watching a lot of the coverage of the early U.S. space program, all the way back starting with Mercury and then through Gemini and Apollo and of course going to the moon as the main part of the Apollo program.  (Main Quotes) I’m very simple when it comes to gifts, so the best ones that I’ve received have love as their main intention. I appreciate everything.  (Main Quotes) Fortune has, in the main, hitherto looked unfavourably upon me since I left home, but I begin to hope for better things. Still, in all my past distresses, one thought has consoled me - I have learned to appreciate a parent’s love.  (Main Quotes) My main concern is if this composer has been made aware of the fact that I’ve come clean in all of my cases. I killed in pure hate, robbing along the way. So if this person hasn’t, then I’d sure appreciate it if someone would inform him or her of it.  (Main Quotes)
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