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My dad is a big dreamer, so I got that from him. Golf was my main thing when I was a teenager, and that’s what I wanted to do.  (Main Quotes) My main focus when I do my makeup is my eyes - I accentuate my eyes, and they look bigger. More ‘va va voom,’ I guess you can say.  (Main Quotes) The main source of my income is through the commissions of the large-scale works and big sculptures, the projects.  (Main Quotes) Horror films are very functional like comedies. The main thing with a comedy, the big question is is it funny? And with horror the question is is it scary?  (Main Quotes) It’s a big responsibility to be the main part of a film because if you don’t like me, you have a problem for two-and-a-half hours.  (Main Quotes) Lots of times, our main problem isn’t our problem. Our biggest problem is our perspective on our problem.  (Main Quotes) The main factor in a penalty shootout is luck again. You need to stay calm and focussed but the biggest thing you need is luck.  (Main Quotes) I had developed manic depression [bipolar disorder] ... and the main symptoms the constant voice in the head telling you to kill yourself.  (Main Quotes) The main cause of my difficulties stemmed from the tragedy of my daughter’s unsound birth and my inability to face my feelings.  (Main Quotes) And I ask why am I black, they say I was born in sin, and shamed inequity. One of the main songs we used to sing in church makes me sick, ‘love wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.  (Main Quotes) The Nation of Islam’s main focus was teaching black pride and self-awareness. Why should we keep trying to force ourselves into white restaurants and schools when white people didn’t want us? Why not clean up our own neighborhoods and schools instead of trying to move out of them and into white people’s neighborhoods?  (Main Quotes) I’m still blowing alright, and I still enjoy it which is the main thing  (Main Quotes) True health infuses positive energy in the mind, body and spirit; it is a main focus in my life  (Main Quotes) Jazz celebrates older generations and not just the youth movement. When you ‘sell’ only to people of a certain age, you get cut off from the main body of experience.  (Main Quotes) The physician knows that his little black bag can carry him only so far and that the body’s own healing system is the main resource.  (Main Quotes) Whenever people say they didn’t like the main character of a book, they mean they didn’t like the book. The main character has to be a friend? I don’t get that.  (Main Quotes) Sometimes female characters start out as the wife or girlfriend, but then I realize, ‘No, she’s the book,’ and she becomes a main character. I surrender the book to her.  (Main Quotes) It’s really a misconception to identify the writer with the main character, given that the author creates all the characters in the book. In certain ways, I’m every character.  (Main Quotes) One of the main arguments that I make in my new book, ‘The Great Degeneration,’ is that the rule of law in the U.S. is becoming the rule of lawyers.  (Main Quotes) I don’t know quite how a story develops in my head. It is a bit chaotic. If I am working on a series, one of the main characters at least is already in existence as well as some setting and minor characters. Finding the other main character can be a challenge. Sometimes this character already exists in a minor role in another book.  (Main Quotes) I grew up in a very celebratory town. We celebrate everything, from life to death and everything in between. So a lot of dramatics come into my aesthetic. And I’m an actor, so that adds more to the dramatic - I don’t mean over-the-top. The main thing is never to be boring.  (Main Quotes) That’s my main flaw: I always think authority figures or my boss is going to think something I do is funny. And usually they don’t.  (Main Quotes) Nearly every BRCA mutation carrier’s main concern is how to avoid the fate of relatives who have had, and possibly died from, breast or ovarian cancer.  (Main Quotes) I feel weird without lipstick. Even after the first time I wore a really neon pink or a really bright red, I felt really strange without it there. My lips are a main feature, so I feel naked without them.  (Main Quotes) In the British embassy in Afghanistan in 2008, an embassy of 350 people, there were only three people who could speak Dari, the main language of Afghanistan, at a decent level. And there was not a single Pashto speaker.  (Main Quotes) What I’ve learnt being an actor is that you’ve got to be lucky. I got less lucky, and nobody was interested. If a part came up, it would be for the main corpse’s friend’s brother who was having problems with his marriage.  (Main Quotes) As the company grows and about this 25 or so employee size, your main job shifts from building a great product to building a great company.  (Main Quotes) Withholding things in a story is no good if you aren’t building to something substantial. It becomes foreplay without the main event, and no one wants that.  (Main Quotes) I have my Poetry 180 project, which I’ve made my main project. We encourage high schools, because that’s really where, for most people, poetry dies off and gets buried under other adolescent pursuits.  (Main Quotes) One of the main destructive forces within our family has been these runaway egos. I think if you look at any show business family, that struggle exists.  (Main Quotes)
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