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One of the main lessons I have learned the last five years as Secretary-General is that the United Nations cannot function properly without the support of the business community and civil society. We need to have tripartite support - the governments, the business communities and the civil society.  (Main Quotes) In my column series ‘The Main Thing’, I often talk about how Internet technology can improve the way people communicate - both within a business and between a business and its customers and partners.  (Main Quotes) I think it’s one of the main negative emotional ingredients that fuels show business, because there’s so much at stake and the fear of failure looms large.  (Main Quotes) There are a lot of guys who are successful, they make a lot of big money, I mean millions overnight with a contract, and they don’t understand the evaporation. It evaporates. You’re always back to square one. I found that out, so integrity is how I do business. That’s my main asset.  (Main Quotes) I credit Google for having the foresight to identify threats to its main business of selling advertising against search results. The potential loss of market share in the mobile space led them to the Android acquisition.  (Main Quotes) As a child, I used to wonder why markets in my locality were all situated near the main roads. I grew up a little to get the answer; that business minded people can meet there easily! Your dream must be situated where they can meet people!  (Main Quotes) As a child, I used to wonder why markets in my locality were all situated near the main roads. I grew up a little to get the answer; that business minded people can meet there easily! Your dream must be situated where they can meet people!  (Main Quotes) When I was a child, I used to wonder why markets in my locality were all situated near the main roads. I grew up a little to get the answer; that business minded people can meet there easily! Your dream must be situated where they can meet people!  (Main Quotes) The main thing that 99designs is about is choice. It’s a fantastic model that eliminates risk for small business owners and puts designers on equal footing.  (Main Quotes) We need business to understand its social responsibility, that the main task and objective for a business is not to generate extra income and to become rich and transfer the money abroad, but to look and evaluate what a businessman has done for the country, for the people, on whose account he or she has become so rich.  (Main Quotes) My main hope for my children would be that whatever profession or calling they choose in life, that they pursue it with passion.  (Main Quotes) Woman’s mind Oft’ shifts her passions, like th’inconstant wind; Sudden she rages, like the troubled main, Now sinks the storm, and all is calm again.  (Main Quotes) The main thing is to keep it simple, keep it real, be honest and pull no stunts. You can’t forget where you started and came from.  (Main Quotes) Living with a single kidney is almost exactly like living with two; the remaining kidney expands to take up the slack. (When kidneys fail, they generally fail together; barring trauma or cancer, there’s not much advantage to a backup.) The main risk to the donor is the risk of any surgery.  (Main Quotes) I wish more people knew that the only one of the three main parties where not a single MP flipped from one property to the next, and not a single MP avoided capital-gains tax, where every single London MP did not claim a penny of second-home allowance, was the Liberal Democrats.  (Main Quotes) In the head-spinning cosmos of climate change, everyday hundreds of people claim there are ‘thousands of papers’ in support of a theory, yet no one can actually name one single paper with empirical evidence that shows carbon dioxide emissions are the main cause of global warming.  (Main Quotes) My career was quite unusual, so my main advice to someone interested in a career similar to my own is to remain open to change and new opportunities. I like to tell students that the jobs I took after my Ph.D. were not in existence only a few years before.  (Main Quotes) In displaying the psychology of your characters, minute particulars are essential. God save us from vague generalizations! Be sure not to discuss your hero’s state of mind. Make it clear from his actions. Nor is it necessary to portray many main characters. Let two people be the center of gravity in your story: he and she.  (Main Quotes) Hardest of all for Europeans to negotiate are traditional African religions, whose transactions with unseen powers are central to the running of life in many areas, the main weapon in the struggle against the forces of evil.  (Main Quotes) Let’s pretend there’s a pandemic. Let’s everybody run around and play your role. Main result is that there is tremendous confusion. ... Nobody knows who’s in charge. Nobody knows the chain of command.  (Main Quotes) But times changed, and I changed, and I didn’t feel that way anymore. The Beatles were happening. I think that was probably the main thing. The Beatles just changed the whole world of music.  (Main Quotes) The doctrine of the Kingdom of Heaven, which was the main teaching of Jesus, is certainly one of the most revolutionary doctrines that ever stirred and changed human thought.  (Main Quotes) I’m a gay man who came from the last years of illegality. That focused my whole character. I think it focused everyone’s character in a way. You saw yourself as outside of the main structure.  (Main Quotes) The same way that you are the main character of your story, you are only a secondary character in everybody else’s story.  (Main Quotes) My books are based on emotions, feelings, relationships. In these areas women are experts, so it’s not strange that the main characters of my novels are females.  (Main Quotes) It’s the main reason why I continue to push myself and my career to do more and more as the amount that you’re able to raise for charity and to give to charity by my celebrity.  (Main Quotes) No fantasy, however rich, no technique, however masterly, no penetration into the psychology of the opponent, however deep, can make a chess game a work of art, if these qualities do not lead to the main goal - the search for truth.  (Main Quotes) Our main deal is pastured livestock. So we have beef cattle, pigs, turkeys, laying chickens, meat chickens, rabbit, lamb and ducks - egg-layer ducks.  (Main Quotes) I just happen to believe that what’s at stake in the early child’s development is so vital and so important, and I think it is founded in the main, in the broad cultural sense, on the relationship between the mother and child.  (Main Quotes) Stuff like Buena Vista Social Club and Fela Kuti were quite a main thing to my childhood. As soon as I reached an age where I realized that Fela was singing in English, when I got past his accent, I loved the rawness of it, and the funk and the rhythm and the melody.  (Main Quotes)
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