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The Nazi period could have happened only in Germany because the German education of obedience to any law and order was the main problem.  (Main Quotes) I had been encouraged a lot by my parents and my sixth grade teacher, James Doyle at Main Street Elementary School. He was an early supporter of my writing ability.  (Main Quotes) The main reason why your company can easily influence you is because emotion and attitude are stronger than knowledge. What you see can overcome what you know. You can easily damp away what you already know when you are faced with the reality of what your senses tell you to do!  (Main Quotes) I try not to think the song to death. The main criteria is if it’s working on an emotional level.  (Main Quotes) The paradox of modernism is, writers make the decision to work with the continuous present, and to work with... stream of consciousness, as it’s called, for emotional reasons, and the main emotional reason is verisimilitude. I mean, this is what surprises people: Life is not in the simple past.  (Main Quotes) Shareholder value is a result, not a strategy‰.‰.‰.‰Your main constituencies are your employees, your customers and your products.  (Main Quotes) The main thing I’m into is going about on a bike, taking random routes; I’m really into the idea of making up journeys, and just seeing where they take you, because they always end up taking you someplace freaky.  (Main Quotes) At the end of the day, if you don’t identify with the main characters, no television show will work.  (Main Quotes) My biggest concern and main engagement with UNEP is focused on endangered species and illegal wildlife trade - mostly elephants, rhinos, etc.  (Main Quotes) The main doctrine of a fanatic’s creed is that his enemies are the enemies of God  (Main Quotes) You know, we have main English language parties, federalist parties, and traditionally the ones to watch would be the Conservatives, who form the government, and then the Liberals.  (Main Quotes) I don’t want my writing to be work to read. My main goal is completely shameless entertainment. I want people to smile and giggle and enjoy the book. I’m not trying to save the world through literature.  (Main Quotes) Sometimes it’s interesting to see something that you’re not used to seeing, which is the main ingredient of life, and it’s removed from the usual entertainment. I think it’s important to give the opportunity to people to witness the life of somebody who was not public.  (Main Quotes) For the BBC and others, a free website is an obvious and relatively cheap addendum to their main purpose of streaming news and entertainment on screen to a mass audience.  (Main Quotes) I spent a lot of time at the New York Public Library, the main branch. I was one of those people. If you ever spend a good amount of time there, you realize there are people who spend the entire day there. They’re bookish homeless people.  (Main Quotes) When I go off the grid, my main source of light will be fireflies. Oh, and the glow that will come from the epic love poem I am writing for you.  (Main Quotes) Communist ideology in its pure form is akin to Christianity. Its main ideas are the brotherhood of all peoples irrespective of their nationality, justice and equality, peace, and an end to all hostility between peoples.  (Main Quotes) Today the main, over-riding purpose of the European Union is different: not to win peace, but to secure prosperity.  (Main Quotes) One thing you don’t want to do as a host is be running around all evening. Do as much as you can ahead of time, so all you have to do is grill the main ingredients.  (Main Quotes) Ultimate Warrior had a hell of a gimmick, but wrestling is about so much more than that. You have to be consistent, work main events every night and have matches that people really believe in and want to see.  (Main Quotes) My main inspirations are the people around me, heartbreaks, frustration and everything that makes you feel stronger than you should.  (Main Quotes) Simply, if you’re working with good material, then it’s right there, and you don’t have to try so hard as an actor; you don’t have to do so much. Just let the material sit inside you and let it come out. Just say the words. That was the main thing that I learned from doing Aaron Sorkin’s work - say the words, and everything else will happen.  (Main Quotes) Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it is the only thing  (Main Quotes) Time and talents are the most expensive gifts God gave to us at no cost. However, they are the main things that are easily abused. To abuse something time and talents is to take them for granted and not appreciate their values.  (Main Quotes) Your director is your main support - actors don’t generally give each other advice on set, not in my experience.  (Main Quotes) The main goal in my life is to make extraordinary things out of the ordinary  (Main Quotes) I peered around the corner into the main recovery ward. All I could see were surgeons. Surgeons filling out those incessant forms. Surgeons bringing cups of tea and little sandwich triangles to patients. Surgeons laying in a lethargic stupor, recovering from eye surgery.  (Main Quotes) Trust is the main part of any kind of love, if you lost it then you must be failed it  (Main Quotes) The industry should take comfort in knowing that WinStar is my main focus after my faith and family.  (Main Quotes) That’s the main thing. People have to feel it’s real. If they feel there’s something commercial or some fake thing behind it, then the feeling is definitely different.  (Main Quotes)
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