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The main thing is that I’ve been studying composition for the last four years. I’d say it’s the life experience combined with the lessons that enabled me to go much further.  (Main Quotes) During the two centuries since the publication of ‘The Wealth of Nations,’ the main activity of economists, it seems to me, has been to fill the gaps in Adam Smith’s system, to correct his errors and to make his analysis vastly more exact.  (Main Quotes) I think there are three main values which are fundamental: that Georgia will never be a criminal country, that Georgia will never return to corruption, and that Georgia will be independent.  (Main Quotes) The main thrust of the Social Security reform was to get the benefit structure in line with the realities of the Trust Funds.  (Main Quotes) I have a farm in Vermont; that’s my main residence, where I do lots of digging and mowing, and ride tractors - just so you don’t get the wrong idea that I’m too girlie!  (Main Quotes) Well, I have a farm in Vermont that’s my main residence, where I do lots of digging and mowing, and ride tractors - just so you don’t get the wrong idea that I’m too girlie!  (Main Quotes) I’ve wanted to write a ghost story for years, and my main aim was to write the most frightening ghost story that I could think of.  (Main Quotes) There are stereotypes that have been out there for a long time that tell girls that their main asset, the main thing that they are valued for, is their appearance and also that it’s to the exclusion of anything else.  (Main Quotes) My main focus, whenever I put on a new uniform, was just to provide energy. ... There was one thing I knew I could never mess up, and that was going hard. That’s what I really kind of relied on to get me through the transition period between two teams.  (Main Quotes) Don’t let anybody tell you different, man: The main goal in life careerwise should always be to try to get paid to simply be yourself.  (Main Quotes) The issue I had with the Lightspeed albums was that usually the main purpose with them was to fulfil really dorky musical goals, like, ‘I wonder if I can do that,’ and it was all very personal. It was more that once I’d finished the goal of what the song was, I was kind of done. It was like ticking boxes.  (Main Quotes) The devil’s main purpose is not to scare us, in a horror-movie way; when we’re scared of him, we’re alert to him, and that might undermine his plans. Instead, he wants to quietly, subtly lure us into stepping away from God.  (Main Quotes) One of God’s main purposes for your life is to fill you with so much of His love that it overflows onto others.  (Main Quotes) The main reason why God gave us imaginations is to allow us to have a specific power that can help us make realistic decisions.  (Main Quotes) Music is my main goal, but I’m not going to rush a record out. There are so many actors who have come out with albums these days. I don’t want to do it because it’s the thing to do. I want to wait until the time is right.  (Main Quotes) The gold standard makes the money’s purchasing power independent of the changing, ambitions and doctrines of political parties and pressure groups. This is not a defect of the gold standard; it is its main excellence.  (Main Quotes) I don’t want to be just known for the way I dress. I want to be known for how I play, how I treat people, and how I am as a role model. I don’t just want to be, ‘He dresses cool’ or ‘He dresses crazy.’ You’re going to have lovers and haters. I want my golf game to be the main thing.  (Main Quotes) I’ve always thought the main argument for organic was more environmental than a health argument. I just don’t think spraying a lot of pesticides into the environment on a routine basis is a good thing.  (Main Quotes) A good artist ought never to allow impatience to overcome his sense of the main end of art - perfection  (Main Quotes) Honesty is the best policy, I will stick to that. The good shall have my hand and heart, but the bad neither foot nor fellowship. And in my mind, the main point of governing, is to make a good beginning.  (Main Quotes) Ground the main character in stupidity. Hire a good cast and a good crew.  (Main Quotes) I only wanted to be a good employee who generated as much profit as possible for his employer. I was merely a small cog in the machine - and now I’m suddenly supposedly the main person responsible for the financial crisis.  (Main Quotes) That’s the main thing, looking for interesting characters, good directors, and experiences where you’re growing and learning.  (Main Quotes) A good novel is a conjunction of many factors, the main of which is without a doubt, hard work  (Main Quotes) The thing that is my main focus is my family. More than anything, I want to be a good husband to my wife and a good father to my kids.  (Main Quotes) One of my main weaknesses is a good movie. I’ll just bawl my eyes out.  (Main Quotes) A lot of times people’s main motives and plan in life is to hurt as many people as they can, but I think there’s enough good people that help make the world a good place.  (Main Quotes) I will be the government of increasing economic growth and creating jobs. Take it from me that that’s the main issue.  (Main Quotes) Governments regard their own citizens as their main enemy, and they have to be - protect themselves. That’s why you have state secret laws. Citizens are not supposed to know what their government is doing to them.  (Main Quotes) To be a great achiever, you must first discover your main purpose of existing through feasible communication mode with your maker, the source of your destiny. This brings you a conviction to work with.  (Main Quotes)
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