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I’m on record as being understood to be a supporter of a reformed establishment, in which other Christian denominations, and other faiths, play a major part  (Major Quotes) That’s what every young kid thinks about when they first put on a uniform - is to play in the Major League and then, ultimately, play in a World Series. To me, that was the ultimate, winning in 86  (Major Quotes) As I discovered, even the governor of a major state who holds pro - life views can be denied a hearing at his party’s convention without the national media protesting it  (Major Quotes) Hamilton had one of those extraordinary 18th-century minds that touched on virtually every major topic of the day  (Major Quotes) Our task was doing maintenance and repairs to keep the station in a good state for the return of the shuttle flights and resumption of major ISS construction  (Major Quotes) One of the people that became a major source was Clarence Tripp who worked with Kinsey  (Major Quotes) There’s one major difference between James Bond and me. He is able to sort out problems!  (Major Quotes) Every single industry is going through a major business model and technology oriented disruption  (Major Quotes) A major institutional reform is the move away from merely planning, to transforming India. The setting up of NITI Aayog, is a step in this direction  (Major Quotes) Major heat wave in India - 122 degrees today. It was so hot people in India were sweating like Americans waiting to hear if their job is being outsourced to India  (Major Quotes) I am the first African-American chairman of any major conservation organization in history. That’s a big step  (Major Quotes) At a major label you can start to feel that you’re working for them, and that any work you do, you’re never going to see any benefit  (Major Quotes) The American obliviousness towards the suffering of Palestinians refugees plays a major part in radicalizing people. And we are fanning the flames of puritanism  (Major Quotes) I thought I was going to be a math major. My parents were both accountants and wanted me to major in business. Math was our compromise  (Major Quotes) I don’t think my style of play is what has prevented me from winning major championships. I think that execution has been more of a factor  (Major Quotes) I want to end the international embarrassment of the United States of America being the only major country on earth that doesn’t guarantee health care to all people as a right, not a privilege  (Major Quotes) The major thing that holds you back when you’re trying to change a bad habit like eating, smoking, or drinking too much is your belief you are out of control  (Major Quotes) My major intention for coming to Hollywood - besides the fact that I was just enamored with acting from a very young age - was that I was tired of seeing wimpy Asian actors  (Major Quotes) I feel very strongly that we need to change the way we do trade because it has been one of the major factors that lead to decline of middle class incomes  (Major Quotes) You might be a redneck if you think that beef jerky and Moon Pies are two of the major food groups  (Major Quotes) I haven’t really had a major role in film for about 12 years. But I never stopped working in the theater. I do stuff back to back  (Major Quotes) The difference with a major label and independent is mainly resources. That’s the difference that I feel sometimes where I as an artist would have to be more creative and more patient  (Major Quotes) Major theme of the book [ Hotels of North America], from my point of view: what is persona, what is self, in the digital sphere, and/or what is the effect of it on self in a prolonged interaction  (Major Quotes) So far, the only major accomplishment of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protesters is that they have finally put an end to their previous initiative, Occupy Our Mothers’ Basements  (Major Quotes) In the major state capitalists economies, Europe and the US, it’s low growth and stagnation and a very sharp income differentiation a shift - a striking shift - from production to financialization  (Major Quotes) I can say now is that sneaking up on people is a major delight in my old age, but it always has been. A desire, even a need, to shock  (Major Quotes) I don’t really see a difference in independent and major labels. To me, it’s pretty much the same. There used to be a difference between indies and major labels, but I don’t think there is anymore  (Major Quotes) Property is my major investment. My accountant has put money into various long-term savings arrangements. To be honest, I am a bit vague about all that stuff  (Major Quotes) My major goal is to take my bathrobe off before the kids get home from school  (Major Quotes) When you sign with a major label there is no guarantee that they are going to release it either unless you have a guarantee clause or a marketing clause  (Major Quotes)
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