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On the court, Jason Collins is not a huge basketball star, but he has already claimed his place in civil rights history as the first openly gay athlete to play in one of the four major U.S. sports leagues.  (Major Quotes) I think we’re inevitably going to be depressed when we focus the major part of our energy and attention on something that doesn’t give us meaning, only material things.  (Major Quotes) I feel like I’m really honest in my interviews, to a fault. I’ve lost friends over it. Major friends. And I’m heartbroken about that.  (Major Quotes) You can’t be a major company today without paying attention to celebrities. They are the leaders in beauty and fashion.  (Major Quotes) In the process of my evolution, I became a victim of domestic war, an emotional casualty for a major portion of my life, entwined, entrapped and emotionally involved, until I learned how to become free. Sara Niles Torn From the Inside Out  (Major Quotes) The league, I think, is doing well. It’s growing, it’s maturing, and it’s becoming a better league. (on Major League Soccer)  (Major Quotes) The difference between rich and poor is becoming more extreme, and as income inequality widens the wealth gap in major nations, education, health and social mobility are all threatened.  (Major Quotes) Call it holistic or holographic thinking, it’s been quite effective imagining the world’s problems are all right in front of you on a smaller scale with your band. You deal with those relationships, and that’s where real major change begins.  (Major Quotes) So China will be having to make some choices as to whose side it wants to be on. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a major improvement in our relationship with them, if they choose correctly.  (Major Quotes) We’re still at the beginning of a major transition in how people communicate and work together,  (Major Quotes) The comptroller of New York City ought to have all the characteristics of a major corporation’s CFO - quiet rigor, obsessive care for detail, incorruptible judgment, an ability to work assiduously behind the scenes with the key stakeholders.  (Major Quotes) I’m on record as being understood to be a supporter of a reformed establishment, in which other Christian denominations, and other faiths, play a major part.  (Major Quotes) A major part of being prepared is having a plan. Local calls don’t always work in the immediate vicinity of a disaster, so it’s important to have an out-of-town contact with whom the entire family can check in.  (Major Quotes) Being on a major network television show is like long-distance running: You have to pace yourself and maintain your energy level and your morale. There’s the role you’re playing on the show, and there’s also your behind-the-scenes responsibility to the crew, the guest actors and the fans - not to mention your own life as a mom.  (Major Quotes) Correcting it, I don’t know; just shedding the light of day on it is a first major step, being one of the earliest generations not to just accept the words.  (Major Quotes) I see all this talk about jobs going overseas as a symptom of the absence of innovation. And the absence of innovation is a symptom of there being no major national priority to advance a frontier.  (Major Quotes) I read a newspaper article in May 1984 which predicted that syringes would one day be a major cause of the transmission of HIV. It was what I had been waiting for - a project that had a lot of the things that I liked: problem-solving, product design, campaigning, and being a bit of a big mouth pain-in-the-bum.  (Major Quotes) The Halifax area has long played a major role in Canada’s military operations, being the port of departure for convoys, naval task forces and army units over the past 100 years or so.  (Major Quotes) The act of revealing oneself fully to another and still being accepted may be the major vehicle of therapeutic help.  (Major Quotes) Being in Vietnam and being around a major story of the time was always a great shot of adrenaline  (Major Quotes) I can’t imagine being anything creative in a major town because everybody’s doing the same exact thing you’re doing. How can you not get confused about what you yourself are doing?  (Major Quotes) I was not bitter by not being allowed to play in the major leagues. I just said, ‘The time has not come.’  (Major Quotes) The joy of my career is I’ve been very blessed to be able to be an actor in major films, television, theater, and also British radio. In fact, my dream as an actor when I started out was to be able to work in all the media. Thankfully, that’s what I’m being given to do.  (Major Quotes) There is no tougher job in America than being a cop on the beat in a major city in this country, big and brawling.  (Major Quotes) It’s always been a dream of mine to be Ginger Rogers or Cyd Charisse, and here I am performing alongside Robert Lindsay and being directed by a major Broadway producer. Who said dreams don’t come true?  (Major Quotes) When I say major key, I think being grateful is actually respecting yourself  (Major Quotes) I like being in control of making all the major decisions pertaining to my projects. That’s something that you don’t get to do in a group. Everything has to be voted on - every minor decision.  (Major Quotes) If I could be involved in the hunting and fishing industry, that would be amazing. That said, I studied biology in college and that led into me being really involved in anatomy and being a pre-med major.  (Major Quotes) Money isn’t a major motivating force in my life. Nor is my profession. There are other things that I care more about than being an actor.  (Major Quotes) One major cost of self-deception is that we use painful life experiences to justify being non-ideal versions of ourselves.  (Major Quotes)
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