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In the 60s, my father, Wally Amos, had been a talent agent and a personal manager before taking a major career detour in 1975, when he opened a store selling chocolate chip cookies.  (Major Quotes) Most of the time I liked school and got good grades. In junior high, though, I hit a stumbling block with math - I used to come home and cry because of how frustrated I was! But after a few good teachers and a lot of perseverance, I ended up loving math and even choosing it as a major when I got to college.  (Major Quotes) I was a child with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and remember enjoying all of my courses almost equally. When it came time at the end of my high school career to choose a major in which to specialize, I was in a quandary.  (Major Quotes) I think we’ve seen a lot of examples of giving a name its own definition in the dot-com world. Amazon, Google, Yahoo - these are names we never would have dreamed major corporations would choose.  (Major Quotes) One of the major jobs of the Harvard president is to choose the deans. I’ve had the opportunity to choose a considerable number of deans already, so I’ve learned a lot in the process in doing it.  (Major Quotes) By the time I had got to college, I had begun to read and had decided that most of what Christians believed could not be credible. So I became a philosophy major at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas.  (Major Quotes) Every single one of the major world faiths, whether we’re talking about Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Darwinism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have all come to the conclusion that what holds us back from our better self is ego, selfishness, greed, unkindness, hatred. And it all springs from a sense of thwarted ego.  (Major Quotes) All three of our major religions in Britain ~ Christianity, Islam and Judaism - have a hateful idea at the very core. That idea is Exclusion: the othering, if you like, of the unredeemed.  (Major Quotes) The major religions, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, they deny somehow that God has a feminine face. However, if you go to the holy texts, you see there is this feminine presence.  (Major Quotes) My family background is Mexican, and I was born in Chicago. It’s pretty much family tradition every time we get together for Christmas and major holidays to sing. Our family time is centered around the food and a little bit of performing for one another.  (Major Quotes) When you jump on a city bus or roam the streets off the major thoroughfares you’ll quickly learn that we have as many differences as similarities. And therein lie the greatest opportunities for innovation - our different ways of viewing the world and coming up with solutions!  (Major Quotes) It’s rare that you have a policy issue that can be solved by throwing more money at the problem, but the technology to make bus service more frequent and equip buses with GPS systems that provide real-time schedule updates to bus stops exists and operates in many parts of the world. We should be installing it in our major cities.  (Major Quotes) In the 1970s in New York, everyone slept till noon. It was a grungy, dangerous, bankrupt city without normal services most of the time. The garbage piled up and stank during long strikes by the sanitation workers. A major blackout led to days and days of looting. The city seemed either frightening or risible to the rest of the nation.  (Major Quotes) I was a chief justice. And before that, I was a district court judge, handled major felonies, including capital murder cases; and I handled major civil litigation.  (Major Quotes) We chose to frame March around the inauguration of Barack Obama because it was such an important moment in the story of the Civil Rights Movement. It wasn’t the fulfillment of Dr. [Martin Luther] King’s dream, but it was a major down payment.  (Major Quotes) It was so crucial to the Civil Rights Movement that on June 23, 1963, Martin Luther King came to town, walked down Woodward Avenue with more than 100,000 people and delivered the first major public iteration of his I Have A Dream speech, two months before he did it in Washington.  (Major Quotes) The Democrats have been there for working people in our country. That’s who we are, trickle-down vs. middle-class economics. That’s the major difference between the parties.  (Major Quotes) A Democratic president should propose a major permanent tax reduction on the middle class and working class. I suspect most of the public would find this attractive.  (Major Quotes) I think that communism was a major force for violence for more than 100 years, because it was built into its ideology - that progress comes through class struggle, often violent.  (Major Quotes) The scientific community should work as hard as possible to address major issues that affect our everyday lives such as climate change, infectious diseases and counterterrorism; in particular, ‘clean energy’ research deserves far higher priority. And science and technology are the prime routes to tackling these issues.  (Major Quotes) I find littering very annoying. It’s a minor but also a major thing: a society that litters is one that also has so little respect for the environment and, consequently, other people. If we had clean streets, a lot of other things would be fixed almost effortlessly.  (Major Quotes) Even cooking at home, the difference between my wife cooking and me cooking is major. When my wife cooks, the kitchen looks like a disaster. When I cook it’s completely clean and organized and it doesn’t look like anyone has been cooking in there.  (Major Quotes) My motive, and I will make it clear and look you in the eyes, is to attack major league baseball. That’s my motive.  (Major Quotes) My mother’s great. She has the major looks. She could stop you from doing anything, through a closed door even, with a single look. Without saying a word, she has that power to rip out your tonsils.  (Major Quotes) So somebody told me that if I wasn’t a coffee drinker yet, by the end of college I’d have to be, because a math major is so tough I would have to stay up very late. I was going to need coffee to do that. Well, merely because they said that, I never drank coffee in college, never got addicted to it, never needed it.  (Major Quotes) More than any other major sport, professional or amateur, college football games are decided by the physical incompetence and downright chokery of their players.  (Major Quotes) I had higher math SATs than in English - yet I became an English major in college  (Major Quotes) I was always told that I was good in mathematics, and I guess my grades and standardized test scores supported that. My worst subjects were those that generally involved a lot of reading - English and history. So, having good test scores in math and mediocre ones in reading, I was naturally advised to major in engineering in college.  (Major Quotes) I didn’t do improv in college, I never performed, I didn’t do theater either. I was in student government, I was a history major.  (Major Quotes) Today, in 2011, if you go and buy a color laser printer from any major laser printer manufacturer and print a page, that page will end up having slight yellow dots printed on every single page in a pattern which makes the page unique to you and to your printer. This is happening to us today. And nobody seems to be making a fuss about it.  (Major Quotes)
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