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I’m sure there will continue to be exciting new products and major changes, but it looks as if the existing technology has a great deal of room to grow and prosper.  (Major Quotes) I think a major act of leadership right now, call it a radical act, is to create the places and processes so people can actually learn together, using our experiences.  (Major Quotes) I have to experience the Nokia products. I’m a major contributor to the design and the quality of the devices. I have a lot of feedback to provide the teams on that. But also I have to carry competitive devices. You have to understand the competition.  (Major Quotes) That’s driven by any number of factors, the most prominent of which have been the combat experience of two major campaigns - one in Afghanistan and the other in Iraq - and the ongoing demands of the global war on terrorism.  (Major Quotes) I’d made these experimental films but I thought the major chore of a filmmaker was to relate to actors.  (Major Quotes) I make a personal commitment to the direction and success of all the programs in which I invest. I make all major philanthropic decisions myself after taking account of a range of expert opinion.  (Major Quotes) I’m an expert witness in a case that’s in appeal about a guy who allegedly misappropriated source code from a major, major company - he actually worked there and then apparently they found it on his laptop later.  (Major Quotes) Technology is a major tool in exploring and challenging your creativity, but it can also overtake your creativity... My mind goes very fast, and I can see all kinds of images that would be spectacular on the screen. But they would cost so much money, and would they really make the story that much better?  (Major Quotes) We are at a major epoch in human history, which is that we don’t need sex to recreate the race. You can have babies without sex. This is the first time in human history that has been true, and it means, for example, we could do some extraordinary things.  (Major Quotes) I can’t remember a major league game where I could make eye contact with my dad. I kept wondering if he was going to yell at me for hanging a pitch or something.  (Major Quotes) I think it would be funny for people to read in obituaries of me that my major contribution to the arts was the popularization of the phrases ‘neutral facial expression’ and ‘screaming in agony.’  (Major Quotes) The major challenge facing most foundations is that they are risk averse. This inhibits their ability to experiment and commit to the experimentation and innovation process.  (Major Quotes) Love in your heart is good medicine for long live. Hatred in your blood is the major cause of heart failure! Love people, get transfused with a fresh blood and you’ll live long!  (Major Quotes) I’m an old fashioned theater major at heart. I love to do a show, do something with friends; I’m kind of a nerd in that way. I like to put on a wig or a fake mustache and do something silly with friends, do a little dance.  (Major Quotes) Lying is a deliberate choice to mislead a target without giving any notification of the intent to do so. There are two major forms of lying: concealment, leaving out true information; and falsification, or presenting false information as if it were true.  (Major Quotes) I can’t think of a major story that we have broken that was incorrect. But we have had to correct some things that were false; we have had to retract things.  (Major Quotes) It teaches us how to run our lives individually. How to run our families, how to run our churches. But it teaches us how to run all our public policy and everything in society. And that’s the reason, as your congressman, I hold the Holy Bible as being the major directions to me of how I vote in Washington, D.C., and I’ll continue to do that.  (Major Quotes) I don’t think I’d call [mood] a major force, but it is important as far as hitting the right notes or nuances with a character or scene.  (Major Quotes) I never try to make a major fashion statement but I want to be the friend in a woman’s closet. I make dresses that women get laid in.  (Major Quotes) Any son of a dictator, I’m sure, has major issues with their relationship with their father  (Major Quotes) One of my major shortcomings - I’m vindictive. I don’t know why that is. Even in petty things in my life I tend to strike back. It’s a lot more pleasurable a sensation than feeling threatened.  (Major Quotes) When I’m my own editor, there’s very little difference between the first draft and the final. I write what feels right to begin with. I rarely make any major changes.  (Major Quotes) I wouldn’t mind being the female MJ. I want to have major crossover appeal.  (Major Quotes) Films with female protagonists don’t attract many eyeballs. Most of them are perceived as feminist films. If Bollywood starts giving women major roles in entertaining movies, then the audience, too, will open up to the idea of watching commercial films in which the actresses do more than just play the role of the hero’s love interest.  (Major Quotes) After moving to Los Angeles in the early 90s, I started looking into music for picture more seriously and in broader scope. My collaboration as a programmer and arranger with Graeme Revell exposed me for the first time to the full spectrum of film music, including the hectic demands of orchestral scoring and the power politics surrounding the finalization of any score for a major motion picture in Hollywood.  (Major Quotes) I haven’t done any major filming with a major production company yet, but I’ve definitely done a lot of filming with a lot of professionals, filmers, and film little edits and put them up online. But I would definitely say that slope style skiers are entertainers as much as they are athletes.  (Major Quotes) I learned that round four of a major is really not too much different than rounds one through three. I didn’t keep to my game plan in the 08 U.S. Women’s Open for the final round. That won’t happen again!  (Major Quotes) The biggest misconception people have about me is that when they see how young I am, they think, ‘Oh, this guy must have always wanted to be in politics; his parents must have been politically connected.’ I’m a finance major and always intended to go into business.  (Major Quotes) Every major federal campaign-finance-reform effort since 1943 has attempted to treat corporations and unions equally. If a limit applied to corporations, it applied to unions; if unions could form PACs, corporations could too; and so on. DISCLOSE is the first major campaign-finance bill that has not taken this approach.  (Major Quotes) If women had better access to the financial system - even so much as a basic deposit account at a bank - it would be a major step in the direction of greater wealth and greater economic empowerment.  (Major Quotes)
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