Make hunger thy sauce, as a medicine for health

Make hunger thy sauce, as a medicine for health
Thomas Tusser, an English poet and farmer, is best known for his work "A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry," a guide to farming and household management. In this work, Tusser offers practical advice on how to run a successful farm and maintain a healthy lifestyle. One of his most famous quotes is "Make hunger thy sauce, as a medicine for health."This quote emphasizes the importance of moderation and self-discipline when it comes to eating. Tusser believed that hunger could be a powerful motivator for maintaining good health. By learning to appreciate the simple pleasures of food and not overindulging, one could avoid the pitfalls of gluttony and excess.
In Tusser's time, food was not as abundant or readily available as it is today. People had to work hard to grow their own food and make the most of what they had. Hunger was a common experience, and people learned to appreciate the value of a simple meal.
Tusser's advice to "make hunger thy sauce" can be interpreted in several ways. On one level, it can be seen as a reminder to appreciate the taste of food more when one is truly hungry. When we are hungry, even the simplest meal can taste delicious. By savoring our food and eating mindfully, we can derive more pleasure from our meals and avoid overeating.
On a deeper level, Tusser's quote can also be seen as a metaphor for self-discipline and moderation in all aspects of life. By learning to control our appetites and desires, we can achieve a greater sense of balance and well-being. Just as hunger can be a powerful motivator for health, so too can self-discipline be a powerful tool for achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life.