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Make It Quotes

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We can easily become as much slaves to precaution as we can to fear. Although we can never rivet our fortune so tight as to make it impregnable, we may by our excessive prudence squeeze out of the life that we are guarding so anxiously all the adventurous quality that makes it worth living  (Make It Quotes) The secret of making something work in your lives is first of all, the deep desire to make it work; then the faith and belief that it can work; then to hold that clear definite vision in your consciousness and see it working out step by step, without one thought of doubt or disbelief  (Make It Quotes) Now, we deny not, but that politicians may sometimes abuse religion, and make it serve for the promoting of their own private interests and designs; which yet they could not do so well neither, were the thing itself a mere cheat and figment of their own, and had no reality at all in nature, nor anything solid at the bottom of it  (Make It Quotes) The more I heard that I couldn’t make it, the more I was determined to do it. I never liked being told that I’m not good enough to do this or that  (Make It Quotes) There are two ways of constructing a software design; one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult  (Make It Quotes) Error, indeed is never set forth in its naked deformity, lest, being thus exposed, it should at once be detected. But it is craftily decked out in an attractive dress, so as, by its outward form, to make it appear to the inexperienced more true than truth itself  (Make It Quotes) There are in every generation those who shrink from the ultimate sacrifice, but there are in every generation those who make it with joy and laughter and these are the salt of the generations  (Make It Quotes) I have always believed that anybody with a little guts and the desire to apply himself can make it, can make anything he wants to make of himself  (Make It Quotes) If you’re in a relationship and you want to make it work, you have to be a little selfless at times  (Make It Quotes) The knowledge which we have acquired ought not to resemble a great shop without order, and without an inventory; we ought to know what we possess, and be able to make it serve us in need  (Make It Quotes) To believe a business impossible is the way to make it so. How many feasible projects have miscarried through despondency, and been strangled in their birth by a cowardly imagination  (Make It Quotes) The cleaner and nicer the program, the faster it’s going to run. And if it doesn’t, it’ll be easy to make it fast  (Make It Quotes) The discipline that ballet requires is obsessive. And only the ones who dedicate their whole lives are able to make it. Your toenails fall off and you peel them away and then you’re asked to dance again and keep smiling. I wanted to become a professional ballet dancer  (Make It Quotes) My life hasn’t been conventional and it hasn’t been linear. I’ve had to make it up as I’ve gone along, which has taught me a lot. If you don’t accept the obvious options that are laid out for you, it’s up to you to work out where you’re going and to create your own specific rules and goals  (Make It Quotes) Evil is unintelligible. It is just a thing in itself, like boarding a crowded commuter train wearing only a giant boa constrictor. There is no context which would make it explicable  (Make It Quotes) So if a college education is indispensable, the challenge as I see it is how to make it more accessible  (Make It Quotes) I’d hate it to become style over substance, I’d hate people to start putting me in a magazine article about my style. I don’t like dressing up in something I’m not necessarily comfortable in just to make it more of a show. I want the power to come from what I sing about and how I sing  (Make It Quotes) How are things visible? Can you see an egg against a white background? Not by drawing a line around it can you make it evident  (Make It Quotes) You make knowledge relevant to life and you make it important for children to learn things that will really relate to things going on in their lives, and not abstract  (Make It Quotes) Eighty percent of the things I do are not natural for my personality. I believe you have to fake it till you make it. Act like you’re confident and you’ll get there  (Make It Quotes) I box a lot, I spin and I surf. I try to mix it up. I obviously have to be in shape 24 hours and the gym can be super monotonous, so I just get outside and try to make it fun so my body doesn’t get bored  (Make It Quotes) U.S. Speedskating has been riddled with problems since when I started my career, and we were always able to look past that. When it came down to performing on the ice, regardless of funding issues, we were always able to make it happen. And that’s what it’s all about  (Make It Quotes) Putting something in a movie because it’s in the news doesn’t make it political to me. If you’re not going outside the same old, same old, if you’re not pushing the envelope, then you’re not doing anything. A good movie is a political thing  (Make It Quotes) There are only so many movies you can direct. And yet there are movies that I want to make sure make it to the screen in as honest a way as possible  (Make It Quotes) When it comes to casting, I’ve been so lucky. I’ve worked with unbelievable actors who make me look better than I am and take the written word and make it honest  (Make It Quotes) I think every relationship is going to go through a few rough patches. Those are what make it stronger, I think  (Make It Quotes) Poetry, I think, intensifies the reader’s experience. If it’s a humorous facet of the story, poetry makes it more exuberant. If it’s a sad facet, poetry can make it more poignant  (Make It Quotes) Everyone knows almost everything about me. I make it very clear that I’m cool with people knowing all my personal life through my songs  (Make It Quotes) I think that every artistic venture is a risk, and it has to be that way, so you do as much preparation as you can and make that as thorough as you can possibly make it, until you turn up on set. It’s about taking risks, and some might work and some might not, but that’s what makes it interesting  (Make It Quotes) Let the people who never find true love keep saying that there’s no such thing. Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die  (Make It Quotes)
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