Make You Smile Quotes

Text Quotes
There will come a day when it won't matter. So let despair go and spend time doing things that make you smile until then (Make You Smile Quotes)
Sometimes the simplest gestures, smallest compliments or just knowing that someone is thinking about you can be enough to a make you smile for the rest of the day.!!! (Make You Smile Quotes)
You know they are something special when no matter what kind of mood you’re in, they can always manage to make you smile (Make You Smile Quotes)
Anyone can make you smile, anyone can make you cry, but it takes a special person to make you smile with tears in your eyes (Make You Smile Quotes)
You know they’re special when no matter what mood you’re in, they can always make you smile (Make You Smile Quotes)
Spend more time with those who make you smile and less time with those who you feel pressured to impress (Make You Smile Quotes)
If he can’t find the time to make an effort to make you smile then you need to preserve your time for something better (Make You Smile Quotes)
Cute enough to make you look twice, sweet enough but not too nice, a lil crazy but not too wild, the kinda girl that’ll make you smile (Make You Smile Quotes)
Unexpected text messages are always cute. The fact that the person took a little bit of their time to make you smile (Make You Smile Quotes)
You know that someone’s special when no matter what kind of mood you are in, they can always manage to make you smile (Make You Smile Quotes)