Making A Living Quotes

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Making a living and making a life that's worthwhile are not the same thing. Living the good life and living a good life are not the same thing (Making A Living Quotes)
Why should I stop working? If I do, I'll die and it'll all be finished. 'm lucky to work in the most perfect of conditions. I can do what I want in all kinds of areas. The expenses are not expenses. I would be stupid to stop that. Work is making a living out of being bored (Making A Living Quotes)
I can’t complain. I’m making a living out of what I do, which is really rare for a lot of actors. The hard part is staying confident and staying with it (Making A Living Quotes)
Don’t be so busy making a living that you forget how to live. Work hard to be successful, but enjoy the journey (Making A Living Quotes)
You are not here merely to making a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement (Making A Living Quotes)
It's easy to let life deteriorate into making a living instead of making a life. It's not the hours you put in, but what you out into the hours that count. Learn to express rather than impress. Expressing evokes a me too attitude while impressing evokes a so what attitude (Making A Living Quotes)
It was my dad’s idea that music is supposed to be more than simply about entertainment and making a living, but about being of service as an integral part of the consciousness of the world. In honor of him and because it’s right, I use music in that light (Making A Living Quotes)
In my mid 30’s, after a decade or so of giving full time to the music thing and finding myself with about $10 in the bank and no assets other than my musical equipment, I realized I needed to get serious about making a living (Making A Living Quotes)
I have been writing since I was about 20, and at first I wrote in secret and never showed anybody. I was very concerned about making a living, so I conducted (Making A Living Quotes)
Well, we’re in show business, and I have been making a living in this business a long time and inevitably it means taking what it is that you’ve done and hopefully you’re showing it to a lot of people who like it (Making A Living Quotes)
Why isn’t it natural for people who have lived and worked at something to want to use the knowledge and capacity in a new way, free from the burden of making a living? (Making A Living Quotes)
There’s many times this year I’ve sat back and thought, I’m making a living from making things up. It’s the only skill I have so I’ve been really lucky (Making A Living Quotes)
The person who does not know how to live while they are making a living is a poorer person after their wealth is won than when they started (Making A Living Quotes)
When I was in New York, I was making a living. We had a summer house and a car that I could put in a garage. That’s something for a stage actor (Making A Living Quotes)
I would live all my life in nonchalance and insouciance, were it not for making a living, which is rather a nouciance (Making A Living Quotes)
I see myself working, making a living and doing projects that I’m passionate about, regardless of the medium (Making A Living Quotes)
Somebody’s always getting me to come lecture to their writing class, and I don’t talk about writing at all, I talk about the business of making a living at this racket (Making A Living Quotes)
If you love writing or making music or blogging or any sort of performing art, then do it. Do it with everything you’ve got. Just don’t plan on using it as a shortcut to making a living (Making A Living Quotes)
The profit motive, when it is the sole basis of an economic system, encourages a cutthroat competition and selfish ambition that inspires men to be more concerned about making a living than making a life (Making A Living Quotes)
Being a role model is the most powerful form of educating... too often fathers neglect it because they get so caught up in making a living they forget to make a life (Making A Living Quotes)
America touts itself as the land of the free, but the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace. Once you exercise this freedom you’ve lost all control over what you do, what is produced, and how it is produced. And in the end, the product doesn’t belong to you. The only way you can avoid bosses and jobs is if you don’t care about making a living. Which leads to the second freedom: the freedom to starve (Making A Living Quotes)
Medical education does not exist to provide students with a way of making a living, but to ensure the health of the community (Making A Living Quotes)
Before that I had largely thought of selling as just a way of making a living for myself. I had dreaded to go in to see people, for fear I was making a nuisance of myself. But now I was inspired! I resolved right then to dedicate the rest of my selling career to this principle: finding out what people want, and helping them get it (Making A Living Quotes)
Didn’t we all have dreams when we were young? But the reality of making a living took over when we had to pay our bills, rent our apartments, raise our families, and take care of others. We sacrificed our dreams, repressed them, or delegated them to the background until they were so far away that we forgot they ever existed (Making A Living Quotes)