Making Choices Quotes

Text Quotes
You get to keep making art as long as you are willing to make the choices that let you make your art (Making Choices Quotes)
True strategy is about placing bets and making hard choices under conditions of uncertainty, not about assuming plans can remove risk (Making Choices Quotes)
I believe firmly that in making ethical decisions, man has the prerogative of true freedom of choice (Making Choices Quotes)
Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice (Making Choices Quotes)
Making better choices takes work. There is a daily give and take, but it is worth the effort (Making Choices Quotes)
Life is about making tough choices. Sometimes you have to go where your career is going (Making Choices Quotes)
What we are living with is the result of human choices and it can be changed by making better, wiser choices (Making Choices Quotes)
Good mothers make all kinds of choices. Making a decision that might sound selfish does not make a woman a bad mother (Making Choices Quotes)
By making choices consistent with eternal truth you will develop righteous character (Making Choices Quotes)
We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision (Making Choices Quotes)
Am I getting better at making choices? Well, I think I might be getting better at reading scripts (Making Choices Quotes)
Dream masters create a masterpiece of life; they control the dream by making choices (Making Choices Quotes)
There is only one reality: the act of feeling ourselves in the process of making choices (Making Choices Quotes)
Loving yourself means making choices that allow you to care for the important person that you are (Making Choices Quotes)
Once you realize that you’re in something that you’ve always wanted and you don’t want to lose it, you behave differently. And that means the integrity, the professionalism, and knowing what’s right from wrong and still making choices that you probably wouldn’t have made (Making Choices Quotes)
I was always raised on cowboy films, and then when I could start making choices about the movies I wanted to watch I found myself wanting to watch gangster films which were slightly more sophisticated than the baseline stuff that was in westerns (Making Choices Quotes)
Life is about making choices: you can either spend three quid on a glossy magazine or you can spend it clearing three square metres of minefield and help give people their lives back. As simple as that (Making Choices Quotes)
When you’re living by default, you’re automatically reacting to life in habitual ways, many of which may be limiting you and your life. In contrast, living deliberately means making more conscious and constructive life choices. When you’re living deliberately, you’re living from a position of responsibility; you’re making choices with greater awareness. You’re taken yourself off autopilot, so you’re better prepared to align your actions with the results you want to achieve (Making Choices Quotes)
The truth for women living in a modern world is that they must take increasing responsibility for the skills they bring into birth if they want their birth to be natural. Making choices of where and with whom to birth is not the same as bringing knowledge and skills into your birth regardless of where and with whom you birth (Making Choices Quotes)
There comes a time in the spiritual journey when you start making choices from a very different place. And if a choice lines up so that it supports truth, health, happiness, wisdom and love, it’s the right choice (Making Choices Quotes)
One the one hand, our economists treat human beings as rational actors making choices to maximize their own economic benefit. On the other hand, the same companies that hire those economists also pay for advertising campaigns that use the raw materials of myth and magic to encourage people to act against their own best interests, whether it’s a matter of buying overpriced fizzy sugar water or the much more serious matter of continuing to support the unthinking pursuit of business as usual in the teeth of approaching disaster (Making Choices Quotes)
Most business processes are about making choices from a set of existing alternatives. Clearly, if all your competition is doing the same, then differentiation is tough. In order to innovate, we have to have new alternatives and new solutions to problems, and that is what design can do (Making Choices Quotes)
We are making choices that will affect whether beings thousands of generations from now will be able to be born sound of mind and body (Making Choices Quotes)
Life’s all about making choices. You’ve made the choice to pick up the pieces and keep going, even when you’ve been devastated over and over again (Making Choices Quotes)
The way you activate the seeds of your creation is by making choices about the results you want to create. When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped. All too often people fail to focus their choices upon results and therefore their choices are ineffective. If you limit your choices only to what seems possible of reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise (Making Choices Quotes)
Living with integrity means... not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships; asking for what you want and need from others; speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension; behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values; making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe (Making Choices Quotes)
The way to activate the seeds of your creation is by making choices about the results you want to create. When you make a choice, you activate vast human energies and resources, which otherwise go untapped (Making Choices Quotes)
If I read a script and find it engaging and I start making choices in my mind on how to approach the work, than that’s a good indication that it is something worth pursuing (Making Choices Quotes)
I mean, artistic processes are all about making choices all the time, and the very act of making a choice is the distilling down and the getting to the core of what it is that you care about and what you want to say, really (Making Choices Quotes)
I mean I like most of the films that I’ve seen that I’ve been in. Those are the kind of films that I like to see. Am I getting better at making choices? Well, I think I might be getting better at reading scripts. Does that make any sense? (Making Choices Quotes)