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Making Quotes

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When you’re alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go downtown  (Making Quotes) The essence of leadership is making up your own mind and then being able to take other people with you  (Making Quotes) The motivations of a scientist are always mixed and complex... every medical student has the desire to do good in the world. Making a small contribution to that effort is really in a sense the last significant thing that I want to do with my life  (Making Quotes) Making a noise in this world making a noise in this world you can bet your ass, I won’t go quietly making a noise in this world  (Making Quotes) A man can be so busy making a living that he forgets to make a life  (Making Quotes) Carbon dioxide pollution is transforming the chemistry of the ocean, rapidly making the water more acidic. In decades, rising ocean acidity may challenge life on a scale that has not occurred for tens of millions of years. So we confront an urgent choice: to move beyond fossil fuels or to risk turning the ocean into a sea of weeds  (Making Quotes) When you get past making labels for things, it is possible to combine and transform elements into new things. Look at things until their import, identity, name, use, and description have dissolved  (Making Quotes) You don’t need to be right all the time. Your child wants a man for a father, not a formula. He wants real parents, real people, capable of making mistakes without moping about it  (Making Quotes) I laughed more in the hospital than I ever have in my life, making fun of all the weird things that were happening to me  (Making Quotes) A social entrepreneur is somebody who knows how to make an idea reality, and one of the great ideas of our time is pluralism. Can people from different backgrounds live together in mutual peace and loyalty? And what we need is a generation of young social entrepreneurs who know how to make that great idea reality in an historical moment where religious extremists are, frankly, making their idea reality  (Making Quotes) It is the people who have no say in making wars who suffer from the consequences of them  (Making Quotes) The working masses of men and women, they and they alone, are responsible for everything that takes place, the good things and the bad things. True enough, they suffer most from a war, but it is their apathy, craving for authority, etc., that is most responsible for making wars possible. It follows of necessity from this responsibility that the working masses of men and women, they and they alone, are capable of establishing lasting peace  (Making Quotes) Many times, a child’s struggle against hunger begins before he or she is born because the mother is undernourished. Making sure prenatal care and proper nutrition are available for expectant mothers in need is a critical part of ending childhood hunger  (Making Quotes) I treat business a bit like a computer game. I count money as points. I’m doing really well: making lots of money and lots of points  (Making Quotes) Practise, practise, practise writing. Writing is a craft that requires both talent and acquired skills. You learn by doing, by making mistakes and then seeing where you went wrong  (Making Quotes) Many different substances, as distinct to the practiced eye as stone and wood, go to the making of a novel, and it is necessary to see them for what they are  (Making Quotes) Writing fiction is a solitary occupation but not really a lonely one. The writer’s head is mobbed with characters, images and language, making the creative process something like eavesdropping at a party for which you’ve had the fun of drawing up the guest list. Loneliness usually doesn’t set in until the work is finished, and all the partygoers and their imagined universe have disappeared  (Making Quotes) It’s really a great asset to be willing to fail and blow it, so to speak, and to be okay with just making stuff, sharing it and getting feedback  (Making Quotes) Making pictures is a very simple act. There is no great secret in photography... schools are a bunch of crap. You just need practice and application of what you’ve learned. My absolute conviction is that if you are working reasonably well the only important thing is to keep shooting... it doesn’t matter whether you are making money or not. Keep working, because as you go through the process of working things begin to happen  (Making Quotes) However, I must stress that my own interest is immediate and in the picture. What I am conscious of and what I feel is the picture I am making, the relation of that picture to others I have made and, more generally, its relation to others I have experienced  (Making Quotes) I’ve never had one of those amazing yoga bodies. My body is what it is. I am sure if I went on a crash diet, lost two stone and toned up I could make loads of money by making fitness videos and selling my story to the tabloids. But I don’t want to encourage women to be anything other than what they are. That’s very important to me  (Making Quotes) Many pictures turn out to be limp translations of the known world instead of vital objects which create an intrinsic world of their own. There is a vast difference between taking a picture and making a photograph  (Making Quotes) Appreciating old wine is like making love to a very old lady. It is possible. It can even be enjoyable. But it requires a bit of imagination  (Making Quotes) In the first weeks I had occasionally worn clothes in the morning before the sun began its ascent, but very soon I abandoned this habit, and the only bit of material I ever wore was the strip of sari cloth around my hips, which was so useful for making into a bag to collect coconuts on walks  (Making Quotes) We need some clergy with some backbone, who don’t mind making uncomfortable at times those who are very comfortable, and challenging them at the core of their faith, at least causing them to pause and to have dialogue and to be open for further discussion  (Making Quotes) Tapping melons with your knuckles is a good way of making your selection in the store, but apparently it’s frowned upon at the strip club  (Making Quotes) Form the habit of making decisions when your spirit is fresh... to let dark moods lead is like choosing cowards to command armies  (Making Quotes) We must first note that economic factors are taken into account in a world in which ignorance, prejudice, and mental confusion, encouraged rather than dispelled by the political organization, exert a strong influence on policy making  (Making Quotes) Governments do not necessarily act in the national interest, especially when making detailed microeconomic interventions. Instead, they are influenced by interest group pressures. The kinds of interventions that new trade theory suggests can raise national income will typically raise the welfare of small, fortunate groups by large amounts, while imposing costs on larger, more diffuse groups  (Making Quotes) Global climate change is real and we have a limited time to change our behavior or live with the consequences. We can all help by making small changes in our lives to letting our voice be heard by our governing bodies. As has always been the case in this country, if the people demand change, it will come  (Making Quotes)
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