Making Quotes

Text Quotes
They couldn’t wait to get me out. My dad found my place, my mom helped me pack, and my brother was making architectural plans for my bedroom. It was just what you do at 18 (Making Quotes)
What’s the level of compromise for making that kind of money? How far do I have to sell my soul? What’s the price of that? And I don’t know if I want to make those kind of compromises any more. I think I’m a different person. I think I’ve matured to a great extent. I think that I want different things now. That it’s not about the celebrity status that you receive because you’re doing the next hot movie. It’s about doing good work (Making Quotes)
I don’t know about making a passionate love story, even if it’s appealing for an audience to see a husband and wife make love on the screen (Making Quotes)
I had taken some of my solo music into the record label. They didn’t really care for the direction I was moving in and I found it really disheartening. They wanted a pop hit, which I understand in terms of making money. I get that. But what they were going to ask of me was something I wasn’t prepared to deliver and I felt kind of trapped. I just stopped writing. I just stopped. It was stifling (Making Quotes)
Were kind of in our own cocoon making it. Every once in a while you stick your head up for a second, and you just can’t believe how successful the show has become (Making Quotes)
Some actors have to make a choice. If they have the opportunity to become these huge megastars, making millions and millions of dollars and have to live a lie, that’s a choice they have to make. Not that I would ever be a big star, but I just had to live my life the way I saw fit (Making Quotes)
I still get very excited when people say they fall in love. It doesn’t matter how old you are, falling in love is a beautiful thing. And I still act like I did when I was a teenager. I get fluttery and tap dance around. I’m never afraid of making funny faces or being completely goofy (Making Quotes)
I’ve always hated criminals and crime. Life is hard enough without someone walking into your life on purpose and making it worse (Making Quotes)
Why should I complain about making $7,000 a week playing a maid? If I didn’t, I’d be making $7 a week being one (Making Quotes)
My therapist shared a theory she had come across, and I liked it. It held that before making your next journey in this life, your soul sits at a large, circular conference table and chooses the souls who are going to be a part of your life. As for which particular people would be chosen, I figured they would be individuals from previous lives with whom there was still unfinished business (Making Quotes)
I’ve been making pizza dough lately. And I’m pretty sure the calzone was invented when a pizza got stuck on the peel (Making Quotes)
Never worry about missing a field goal. Just blame the holder and think about making the next one (Making Quotes)
Not only do we naturalize history, but also consequently we naturalize the social phenomena which express our oppression, making change impossible (Making Quotes)
Our spending priorities are clearly in question when we are increasing bond indebtedness on pet projects such as museums while our infrastructure is allegedly failing. Mississippians are spending more on basic needs than ever. They don’t need their state government making that worse (Making Quotes)
Decorating is not about making stage sets, it’s not about making pretty pictures for the magazines, it’s really about creating a quality of life, a beauty that nourishes the soul (Making Quotes)
Imagine music gushing down the hollow places in your bones, and making you liquid, and giving you speed. Imagine music turning your body into a song (Making Quotes)
Then how come everyone’s making like everything that isn’t important is very important, all the while they’re so busy pretending what’s really important isn’t important at all? (Making Quotes)
Once you step inside, history has to be rewritten to include you. A fiction develops a story that weaves you into the social fabric, giving you roots and a local identity. You are assimilated, and in erasing your differences and making you one of their own, the community can maintain belief in its wholeness and purity. After two or three generations, nobody remembers the story is fiction. It has become fact. And this is how history is made (Making Quotes)
You’re making yourself too important. Guilt comes from feeling we’re at the center of the universe. We’re not (Making Quotes)
I looked forward to making friends at school, but I had come late and friendships had already been formed. I couldn’t find my way into their world. They seemed to have a secret code I couldn’t decipher (Making Quotes)
The process of design starts with exploration, but ends with refinement. The best designers carefully move from one to the other, making sure they spend enough time exploring before locking themselves into a design approach (Making Quotes)
Good design, when it’s done well, becomes invisible. It’s only when it’s done poorly that we notice it. Think of it like a room’s air conditioning. We only notice it when it’s too hot, too cold, making too much noise, or the unit is dripping on us. Yet, if the air conditioning is perfect, nobody say anything and we focus, instead, on the task at hand (Making Quotes)
I’m just trying to make my favorite music. That’s how I work; I just do things based on the way they feel to me. I want to be touched by the music I’m making. Luckily, other people have shared that response to my work over the years (Making Quotes)
It seems like a contradiction, but the shy person who is a performer actually does make sense, because in a way, when you’re young and shy, making people laugh is a good way to make friends. It’s an instant connection (Making Quotes)
Most people sabotage themselves because they aren’t mindful in the moment. Let your daily actions be governed by your goals and dreams. Whenever you are making an important decision first ask if it gets you closer to your goals or farther away. If the answer is closer, pull the trigger. If it’s farther away make a different choice. Conscious choice making is a critical step in making your dreams a reality (Making Quotes)
Life is not about making dough or how many movies you can make in a year. It’s about finding someone that you can share things with (Making Quotes)
When we play the game like we’re supposed to play it, it is pretty easy. Making the extra pass, making the simple play, it’s not about between your legs, behind your back, and all of that, it’s just about scoring the bucket (Making Quotes)
I always find myself gravitating to the analogy of a maze. Think of film noir and if you picture the story as a maze, you don’t want to be hanging above the maze watching the characters make the wrong choices because it’s frustrating. You actually want to be in the maze with them, making the turns at their side, that keeps it more exciting... I quite like to be in that maze (Making Quotes)
Love is a publicity stunt, and making love, after the first curious raptures, is only another petulant way to pass the time waiting for the studio to call (Making Quotes)
Also marvelous in a room is the light that comes through the windows of a room and that belongs to the room. The sun does not realize how beautiful it is until after a room is made. A man’s creation, the making of a room, is nothing short of a miracle. Just think, that a man can claim a slice of the sun (Making Quotes)