Making Quotes

Text Quotes
Readers usually ignore the typographic interface, gliding comfortably along literacy’s habitual groove. Sometimes, however, the interface should be allowed to fail. By making itself evident, typography can illuminate the construction and identity of a page, screen, place or product (Making Quotes)
While friendship itself has an air of eternity about it, seeming to transcend all natural limits, there is hardly any emotion so utterly at the mercy of time. We form friendships, and grow out of them. It might almost be said that we cannot retain the faculty of friendship unless we are continually making new friends (Making Quotes)
Athletes need to enjoy their training. They don’t enjoy going down to the track with a coach making them do repetitions until they’re exhausted. From enjoyment comes the will to win (Making Quotes)
A man who loves good food has a way of making it gravitate toward his kitchen (Making Quotes)
Fire may be the simplest and sometimes the only recourse in protecting yourself from the discomfort of cold, counteracting the effects of hypothermia, or in making up for inadequate clothing, bedding, or shelter (Making Quotes)
True beauty radiates not from outer cosmetics, but from the simple joy of making a difference for those that need your voice, passion, and time without expecting or wanting anything in return (Making Quotes)
I think I’m a very pretty girl. I’m never going to pretend to think otherwise. There are even days I feel I’m fabulously hot and sexy. I’m grateful for my looks. My family is doing well because of them. I can make career choices and turn down movies because of them and I have been making money from them for 17 years. My looks are who I am (Making Quotes)
Nobody can give you advice after you’ve been collecting for a while. If you don’t enjoy making your own decisions, you’re never going to be much of a collector anyway (Making Quotes)
When you consider that a steelworker who’s making $40,000 a year has virtually the same tax burden as someone who’s making $400,000 a year, you see that there are inequities. This administration has used the tax code to accelerate wealth to the top. Most of the tax breaks have gone to people in the top bracket (Making Quotes)
The hardest thing in making a movie is to keep in the front of your consciousness your original response to the material. Because that’s going to be the thing that will make the movie. And the loss of that will break the movie (Making Quotes)
I make the woman look at the camera as a symbol of all the eyes that will see the picture I am making (Making Quotes)
Theres a certain truth that you do end up making the same film again and again so if you vary the genre you have a chance of breaking that cycle (Making Quotes)
I have a suggestion for all of those award seekers and blue ribbon hunters. Spend your efforts on making art that connects with people. Awards impress the grandkids but they don’t move the gauge on selling your product. Art needs to touch the emotions of the buyer (Making Quotes)
Humanity cannot afford to muddle through the rest of the twentieth century; the risks are too great, and the stakes are too high. This may be the last opportunity to choose our own and our descendants’ destiny. Failing to choose or making the wrong choices may lead to catastrophe. But it must never be forgotten that the right choices could lead to a much better world (Making Quotes)
When you go through all your life processing and abusing your hair so it will look like the hair of another race of people then you are making a statement and the statement is clear (Making Quotes)
How much truth is contained in something can be best determined by making it thoroughly laughable and then watching to see how much joking around it can take. For truth is a matter that can withstand mockery, that is freshened by any ironic gesture directed at it. Whatever cannot withstand satire is false (Making Quotes)
I’ve also been reminded recently that while as a society we are moving toward greater inclusion and equality for all people, the tide of history only advances when people make themselves fully visible. There continue to be far too many incidences of bullying of young people, as well as discrimination and violence against people of all ages, based on their sexual orientation, and I believe there is value in making clear where I stand (Making Quotes)
Literature is love. I think it went like this: drawings in the cave, sounds in the cave, songs in the cave, songs about us. Later, stories about us. Part of what we always did was have sex and fight about it and break each other’s hearts. I guess there’s other kinds of love too. Great friendships. Working together. But poetry and novels are lists of our devotions. We love the feel of making the marks as the feelings are rising and falling. Living in literature and love is the best thing there is. You’re always home (Making Quotes)
Roll up your sleeves, set your mind to making history, and wage such a fight for liberty that the whole world will respect our sex (Making Quotes)
The attempt to divide art and politics is a bourgeois which says good poetry, art, cannot be political, but since everything is … political, even an artist or work that claims not to have any politics is making a political statement by that act (Making Quotes)
The occupational hazard of making a spectacle of yourself, over the long haul, is that at some point you buy a ticket too (Making Quotes)
It’s because I do see sex as sacred and potentially spiritual that I believe in commercializing it and making this potentially holy experience more easily available to all (Making Quotes)
They’re making me out to be a serial marrying person or something. I’m laughing at that (Making Quotes)
Every man that ever lived craved perfect happiness, the detective poignantly reflected. But how can we have it when we know we’re going to die? Each joy was clouded by the knowledge it would end. And so nature had implanted in us a desire for something unattainable? No. It couldn’t be. It makes no sense. Every other striving implanted by nature had a corresponding object that wasn’t a phantom. Why this exception? the detective reasoned. It was nature making hunger when there wasn’t any food. We continue. We go on. Thus death proved life (Making Quotes)
Alcohol, firearms and a 4 wheel drive can go a long ways towards making a rain day into a fun rest day (Making Quotes)
... don’t be afraid to screw up!... one of the key issues to learning is making mistakes... if you’re not making mistakes, you’re probably not having a very good time (Making Quotes)
People enquire as to the craft behind our art and we reply by making references to a patently childish notion (Making Quotes)
I actually only started listening to house music around the time I started making it. I got hooked both to making music and to house music (Making Quotes)
It is often possible to decide the issue of a battle merely by making an unexpected shift of one’s main weight (Making Quotes)
America touts itself as the land of the free, but the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace. Once you exercise this freedom you’ve lost all control over what you do, what is produced, and how it is produced. And in the end, the product doesn’t belong to you. The only way you can avoid bosses and jobs is if you don’t care about making a living. Which leads to the second freedom: the freedom to starve (Making Quotes)