Making Quotes

Text Quotes
I warn you against shedding blood, indulging in it and making a habit of it, for blood never sleeps (Making Quotes)
There’s an open door now more than ever to be making any type of beats that you want (Making Quotes)
There are insistent calls for autonomy, appeals for a new resource ethic based on the tradition of the commons, demands for the reinstatement of cultural primacy over corporate hegemony, and a rising demand for radical transparency in politics and corporate decision making. It has been said that environmentalism failed as a movement, or worse yet, died. It is the other way around. Everyone on earth will be an environmentalist in the not too distant future, driven there by necessity and experience (Making Quotes)
I wonder sometimes if I’m the only one spending my life making the same mistake over and over again or if that’s simply human. Do we all tend toward a single besetting sin? (Making Quotes)
These are friendships that these girls are making that will be a lifetime and they’re doing things that are so abnormal and to such a high level, that there’s a bond that’s like no other (Making Quotes)
If you do the same thing as others, it will wear you out. Nintendo is not good at competing so we always have to challenge the status quo by making something new, rather than competing in an existing market (Making Quotes)
We still like to make up stories, just as our ancestors did, which use personification to explain the great forces of our existence. Such stories, which explain how the world began or where the sun goes when it sets, we call myths. Mythology is a natural product of the symbolizing mind; poets, when not making up myths of their own, are still commanding ancient ones (Making Quotes)
A work is never completed except by some accident such as weariness, satisfaction, the need to deliver, or death: for, in relation to who or what is making it, it can only be one stage in a series of inner transformations (Making Quotes)
Making the best of things is a damn poor way of dealing with them. My life has been a series of escapes from that quicksand (Making Quotes)
There is one statesman of the present day, of whom I always say that he would have escaped making the blunders that he has made if he had only ridden more in buses (Making Quotes)
My first program taught me a lot about the errors that I was going to be making in the future, and also about how to find errors. That’s sort of the story of my life, making errors and trying to recover from them. I try to get things correct. I probably obsess about not making too many mistakes (Making Quotes)
Making the majors is not as hard as staying there, staying interested day after day. It’s like being married. The hardest part is to stay married (Making Quotes)
A wise word is more rare than the green emerald, and one can find the word of wisdom even amongst the slave girls making grain (Making Quotes)
Simplicity is not about making something without ornament, but rather about making something very complex, then slicing elements away, until you reveal the very essence (Making Quotes)
The best meetings get real work done. When your people learn that your meetings actually accomplish something, they will stop making excuses to be elsewhere (Making Quotes)
Natural capitalism is not about making sudden changes, uprooting institutions, or fomenting upheaval for a new social order. Natural capitalism is about making small, critical choices that can tip economic and social factors in positive ways (Making Quotes)
Making a profit is no more the purpose of a corporation than getting enough to eat is the purpose of life. Getting enough to eat is a requirement of life; life’s purpose, one would hope, is somewhat broader and more challenging. Likewise with business and profit (Making Quotes)
We are making choices that will affect whether beings thousands of generations from now will be able to be born sound of mind and body (Making Quotes)
Making money ain’t nothing exciting to me. You might be able to buy a little better booze than the wino on the corner. But you get sick just like the next cat and when you die you’re just as graveyard dead as he is (Making Quotes)
I was really running a music school back then, because my band wasn’t making any money. I keep talking about money, because most people don’t understand the part of money in running a band (Making Quotes)
If you’re not making some notable mistakes along the way, you’re certainly not taking enough business and career chances (Making Quotes)
It is not making better people of others that management is about. It’s about making a better person of self. Income, power, and titles have nothing to do with that (Making Quotes)
You just don’t have the time to worry about what others are doing. You just want to take care of your own business. You are focused on that tee shot on the 10th tee and making it to the finish line. It’s one of the most stressful moments in professional golf, but you have worked so hard to get to that point, that it really is fun (Making Quotes)
Once there is the slightest suggestion of combinational possibilities on the board, look for unusual moves. Apart from making your play creative and interesting it will help you to get better results (Making Quotes)
That ability to see the right choice, but not until several hours have passed since making the wrong one? That’s what makes a person a dumbass, folks (Making Quotes)
This is global governance in the making. But we must agree, and agree to a binding commitment (Making Quotes)
You’re either making money or you’re not. If you’re not making money get out of the business (Making Quotes)
History is the art of making an argument about the past by telling a story accountable to evidence. In the writing of history, a story without an argument fades into antiquarianism; an argument without a story risks pedantry. Writing history requires empathy, inquiry, and debate. It requires forswearing condescension, cant, and nostalgia. The past isn’t quaint. Much of it, in fact, is bleak (Making Quotes)
Making them feel gorgeous and comfortable is my way of making women’s lives easier (Making Quotes)
I get on base by making good contact with the ball. But whenever I hit a home run, I’m as surprised as everybody else (Making Quotes)