Making Up Quotes

Text Quotes
The philosopher ought never to try to avoid the duty of making up his mind (Making Up Quotes)
I was always inventing characters and making up stories (Making Up Quotes)
I remember making up songs in my head (Making Up Quotes)
The problem is not making up the steps but deciding which ones to keep (Making Up Quotes)
Like everybody, I’m making up my life as I go along (Making Up Quotes)
Mathematics is about making up rules and seeing what happens (Making Up Quotes)
One of the fun things about play is making up stories (Making Up Quotes)
Dudes have been making up stuff about themselves probably since there have been dudes (Making Up Quotes)
Weaknesses and deficiencies... play a most important part in all our lives. It is because of them that we need others and others need us. We are not all weak in the same spots, and so we supplement and complete one another, each one making up in himself for the lack in another (Making Up Quotes)
But there’s a big difference between, say, reporting on a story and simply making up a story (Making Up Quotes)
Words are the coins making up the currency of sentences, and there are always too many small coins (Making Up Quotes)
As an alcoholic, you have no appreciation for your wife or your children’s feelings, but I’m making up for that now. I’m winning my children’s trust back (Making Up Quotes)
Give up the idea that by ruling over others you can do any good to them. But you can do just as much as you can in the case of the plant: you can supply the growing seed with the materials for the making up of its body, bringing to it the earth, the water, the air, that it wants. It will take all that it wants by its own nature, it will assimilate and grow by its own nature (Making Up Quotes)
My rule in making up examination questions is to ask questions which I can’t myself answer. It astounds me to see how some of my students answer questions which would play the deuce with me (Making Up Quotes)
I believe in choosing the hardest book imaginable. I believe in reading up on what others have to say about this difficult book, and then making up my own mind (Making Up Quotes)
It ain’t because lovers are so sensitive that they quarrel so often; it is because there is so much fun n the making up (Making Up Quotes)
Voting is the least arduous of a citizen’s duties. He has the prior and harder duty of making up his mind (Making Up Quotes)
Take wrong turns. Talk to strangers. Open unmarked doors. And if you see a group of people in a field, go find out what they are doing. Do things without always knowing how they’ll turn out. You’re curious and smart and bored, and all you see is the choice between working hard and slacking off. There are so many adventures that you miss because you’re waiting to think of a plan. To find them, look for tiny interesting choices. And remember that you are always making up the future as you go (Making Up Quotes)
There are so many adventures that you miss because you’re waiting to think of a plan. To find them, look for tiny interesting choices. And remember that you are always making up the future as you go (Making Up Quotes)
What could be more interesting than thinking of mysterious happenings, finding the answers to intriguing questions, and making up new worlds? (Making Up Quotes)
I suggest that you become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted (Making Up Quotes)
We still like to make up stories, just as our ancestors did, which use personification to explain the great forces of our existence. Such stories, which explain how the world began or where the sun goes when it sets, we call myths. Mythology is a natural product of the symbolizing mind; poets, when not making up myths of their own, are still commanding ancient ones (Making Up Quotes)
With fiction, there’s no reason why everything you write shouldn’t be amazing. Nobody’s stopping you from making up better stuff (Making Up Quotes)
Granpa said if there was less words, there wouldn’t be as much trouble in the world. He said privately to me that there was always some damn fool making up a word that served no purpose except to cause trouble (Making Up Quotes)
We’ve got customers. We’ve got suppliers. We’ve got employees. We’ve got unions. We’ve got communities. We’ve got all of these things that go into making up whether a business succeeds or fails (Making Up Quotes)
Fire may be the simplest and sometimes the only recourse in protecting yourself from the discomfort of cold, counteracting the effects of hypothermia, or in making up for inadequate clothing, bedding, or shelter (Making Up Quotes)
I’ve always been making up my own restrictions for myself, from day one, and it’s compelling, because it forces me to think. That’s always been a driving force for me (Making Up Quotes)
I would point out that I’m an actress for a reason! If I were popular in high school, I would have considered another career because I wouldn’t have been alone in my room, making up other characters for myself. I definitely had growing pains. The popular kids didn’t want anything to do with the girl who was starting the drama club (Making Up Quotes)
The essence of leadership is making up your own mind and then being able to take other people with you (Making Up Quotes)
I could tell you that when you have trouble making up your mind about something, tell yourself you’ll settle it by flipping a coin. But don’t go by how the coin flips; go by your emotional reaction to the coin flip. Are you happy or sad it came up heads or tails? (Making Up Quotes)