Malcolm X Quotes

Text Quotes
Anytime you have to rely upon your enemy for a job you’re in bad shape (Malcolm X Quotes)
Any time you demonstrate against segregation and a man has the audacity to put a police dog on you, kill that dog, kill him, I’m telling you, kill that dog. I say it if they put me in jail tomorrow, kill that dog. Then you’ll put a stop to it (Malcolm X Quotes)
You don’t have a revolution in which you love your enemy, and you don’t have a revolution in which you are begging the system of exploitation to integrate you into it. Revolutions overturn systems. Revolutions destroy systems (Malcolm X Quotes)
Don’t you run around here trying to make friends with somebody who’s depriving you of your rights. They’re not your friends, no, they’re your enemies. Treat them like that (Malcolm X Quotes)
We’re all in the same boat and we all are going to catch the same hell from the same man (Malcolm X Quotes)
Anytime anyone is enslaved, or in any way deprived of his liberty, if that person is a human being, as far as I am concerned he is justified to resort to whatever methods necessary to bring about his liberty again (Malcolm X Quotes)
If you form the habit of taking what someone else says about a thing without checking it out for yourself, you’ll find that other people will have you hating your friends and loving your enemies (Malcolm X Quotes)
If the government can’t get the black man justice, then it’s time for the black man to get some justice for himself (Malcolm X Quotes)
Much of what I say might sound like it’s stirring up trouble, but it’s the truth! (Malcolm X Quotes)
The only persons who really changed history are those who changed men’s thinking about themselves (Malcolm X Quotes)
Only those who have already experienced a revolution within themselves can reach out effectively to help others (Malcolm X Quotes)
Mankind’s history has proved from one era to another that the true criterion of leadership is spiritual. Men are attracted by spirit. By power, men are forced. Love is engendered by spirit. By power anxieties are created (Malcolm X Quotes)
Revolution is based on land. Land is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality (Malcolm X Quotes)
There seems in most countries to be either one extreme or the other. Truly a paradise could exist wherever material progress and spiritual values could be properly balanced (Malcolm X Quotes)
History is a people’s memory, and without a memory, man is demoted to the lower animals (Malcolm X Quotes)
The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses (Malcolm X Quotes)
You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it (Malcolm X Quotes)
How can you thank a man for giving you what’s already yours? How then can you thank him for giving you only part of what is yours? (Malcolm X Quotes)
It’ll be the ballot or it’ll be the bullet. It’ll be liberty or it’ll be death. And if you’re not ready to pay that price don’t use the word freedom in your vocabulary (Malcolm X Quotes)
They cripple the bird’s wing, and then condemn it for not flying as fast as they (Malcolm X Quotes)
Any time you see someone more successful than you are, they are doing something you aren’t (Malcolm X Quotes)
People don’t realize how a man’s whole life can be changed by one book (Malcolm X Quotes)
Time is on the side of the oppressed today, it’s against the oppressor. Truth is on the side of the oppressed today, it’s against the oppressor. You don’t need anything else (Malcolm X Quotes)
Brothers and sisters, friends and enemies: I just can’t believe that everyone in here is a friend and I don’t want to leave anybody out (Malcolm X Quotes)
If you have a dog, I must have a dog. If you have a rifle, I must have a rifle. If you have a club, I must have a club. This is equality (Malcolm X Quotes)
Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression, because power, real power, comes from our conviction which produces action, uncompromising action (Malcolm X Quotes)
I just don’t believe that when people are being unjustly oppressed that they should let someone else set rules for them by which they can come out from under that oppression (Malcolm X Quotes)
My father didn’t know his real name. My father got his name from his grandfather and he got his name from his grandfather and he got it from the slave master (Malcolm X Quotes)
It’s got to be the ballot or the bullet. The ballot or the bullet. If you’re afraid to use an expression like that, you should get back in the cotton patch, you should get back in the alley (Malcolm X Quotes)
We declare our right on this earth... to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary (Malcolm X Quotes)