Malcolm X Quotes

Text Quotes
Now the goal of Dr. Martin Luther King is to give Negroes a chance to sit in a segregated restaurant beside the same white man who has brutalized them for four hundred years. (Malcolm X Quotes)
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that God, now, is about to establish a kingdom on this earth, based upon brotherhood and peace. And the white man is against brotherhood, and the white man is against peace. (Malcolm X Quotes)
It would be the easiest thing in the world for the white man to destroy all Black Muslims (Malcolm X Quotes)
Good education, housing and jobs are imperatives for the Negroes, and I shall support them in their fight to win these objectives, but I shall tell the Negroes that while these are necessary, they cannot solve the main Negro problem. (Malcolm X Quotes)
Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. (Malcolm X Quotes)
There are literally a thousand works with the title Malcolm X in them. There are over 350 films and over 320 web-based educational resources with the title Malcolm X, yet the vast majority of them are based on secondary literatures, that is, not on primary source material. (Malcolm X Quotes)
I had blind faith in him. My faith in Elijah Muhammad was more blind and more uncompromising than any faith that any man has ever had for another man. And so I didn’t try and see him as he actually was. (Malcolm X Quotes)
Don’t condemn if you see a person has a dirty glass of water, just show them the clean glass of water that you have. When they inspect it, you won’t have to say that yours is better. -said by Elijah Muhammad to Malcolm X (Malcolm X Quotes)
I feel like a man who has been asleep somewhat and under someone else’s control. I feel that what I’m thinking and saying is now for myself. Before it was for and by the guidance of Elijah Muhammad. Now I think with my own mind, sir! (Malcolm X Quotes)
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us the religion of Islam, which is a religion of peace (Malcolm X Quotes)
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us to get away from the devil as soon and as fast as we can (Malcolm X Quotes)
Until the white man in America sits down and talks with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, he won’t even know what the race problem - what makes the race problem what it is. (Malcolm X Quotes)
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that we should be separate, all right, but in this separate state or separate existence, the black man should be given the opportunity and the incentive to do for himself what the white man has done for himself. (Malcolm X Quotes)
The white people who are guilty of white supremacy are trying to hide their own guilt by accusing The Honorable Elijah Muhammad of teaching black supremacy when he tries to uplift the mentality, the social, mental and economic condition of the black people in America. (Malcolm X Quotes)
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that if the - what should happen is the black man himself should learn how to develop himself, in the same sense that the white man has developed himself. Then they can both come together and recognize each other as equals. (Malcolm X Quotes)
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is teaching the black man, you’re a human man.All you have to do is dignify yourself. You don’t have to wait for any white man to recognize you. Recognize yourself. Love each other. Practice harmony and brotherhood among your own kind. (Malcolm X Quotes)
Because The Honorable Elijah Muhammad makes black people brave enough, men enough to defend ourselves no matter what the odds are, the white man runs around here with a doctrine that Mr. Muhammad is advocating the violence when he is actually telling Negroes to defend themselves against violent people. (Malcolm X Quotes)
If the Emancipation Proclamation was authentic, you wouldn’t have a race problem (Malcolm X Quotes)
Everybody has a God and believes that his God will deliver him and protect him from his enemies! (Malcolm X Quotes)
Revolution is based on land. Land is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality.... (Malcolm X Quotes)
[People] earn extra money [in prison] selling contraband, dope, and things of that sort to the inmates, and so that really it’s an exploiter. (Malcolm X Quotes)
I am a Muslim, because it’s a religion that teaches you an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. It teaches you to respect everybody, and treat everybody right. But it also teaches you if someone steps on your toe, chop off their foot. And I carry my religious axe with me all the time. (Malcolm X Quotes)
Like Samson, I am ready to pull down the white man’s temple, knowing full well that I will be destroyed by the falling rubble. (Malcolm X Quotes)
This religion (Islam) recognizes all men as brothers. It accepts all human beings as equals before God, and as equal members in the Human Family of Mankind. (Malcolm X Quotes)
Reverend Galamison is fighting a hard battle against great opposition, and I admire a man who fights a hard battle against great opposition. (Malcolm X Quotes)
What I want to know is how the white man, with the blood of black people dripping off his fingers, can have the audacity to be asking black people, ‘Do they hate him?’ That takes a lot of nerve. (Malcolm X Quotes)
This was my first lesson about gambling: if you see somebody winning all the time, he isn’t gambling, he’s cheating. Later on in life, if I were continuously losing in any gambling situation, I would watch very closely. (Malcolm X Quotes)
To embrace the ideas of Malcolm X is to embrace the ideas of African Internationalism and the ideas of African Internationalism are opposite and contradictory to the ideals of Americanism. The ideals of African Internationalism promote freedom from oppression and injustice. These ideals promote freedom and independence. (Malcolm X Quotes)
In the Bible, God offered the Pharaoh freedom if he would just let the oppressed people free to go to the land of milk and honey. But the Pharaoh disobeyed, and he was destroyed. (Malcolm X Quotes)
I might add how in the world can you say, or can anyone say, that it will dignify the American Negro to beg in or wade [?] in or plead in when the people in Hungary didn’t beg in? They were freedom fighters. And they fought for their freedom. (Malcolm X Quotes)