Male Quotes

Text Quotes
I rebelled against all form of authority, against my grandfather, my step-father, the Church, the police, the government, the bosses. Everything male that was there, and was determining my life. (Male Quotes)
Feminism is lesbian in the sense that lesbians have always hated the female role and coveted the male role. It is based on Marxist notions of equality and class conflict that have no relevance to mystical and biological phenomenon such as love. (Male Quotes)
Just as the end goal of socialist revolution was not only the elimination of the economic class privilege but of the economic class distinction itself, so the end goal of feminist revolution must be, ... not just the elimination of the male privilege, but of the sex distinction itself; genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally. (Male Quotes)
The road has been viewed as a male turf. If you think of the classic Odyssey, of, you know, classical literature or Jack Kerouac or almost any road story, it’s really about a man on the road. There’s an assumption that the road is too dangerous for women. (Male Quotes)
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male. A woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty. Take my word for it, the silliest woman can manage a clever man; But it takes a very clever woman to manage a fool. I never made a mistake in my life; At least, never one that I couldn’t explain away afterwards (Male Quotes)
I’ve never had any close male friends. The most important relationships in my life have always been with women. (Male Quotes)
I dislike turtlenecks at the best of times, as they are always unflattering to the imperfect male physique, but when worn in combination with a v-neck sweater, they say ‘Grandpa’ louder than any other item of clothing. (Male Quotes)
Instead of saving for someone else’s college education, I’m currently saving for a luxury retirement community replete with golf carts and handsome young male nurses who love butterscotch. (Male Quotes)
As I went between the Islamic Society in my college and university, the mosque, the halal takeaway, and visited the homes of my male Muslim friends, it was entirely possible for me to get through my day without interacting in any meaningful way with a single non-Muslim. (Male Quotes)
It’s just unfair that talent of color aren’t given the same opportunities as white and male actors, directors, producers, writers, et cetera. (Male Quotes)
Men’s clothes are becoming kind of mod. They’re becoming more colorful and more flamboyant, and the male peacock is beginning to show his true plumage. (Male Quotes)
I’m a leukemia survivor, and I recall during my darkest days in the hospital when my friends would come to see me, especially the male friends - they had certain mortality issues with their visit. (Male Quotes)
[On performing in action movies] I’ve spent all those years learning how to do certain skills, and then that competitive spirit kicks in and you want to do the stunts. Basically, it’s the the male competitive ego at work. (Male Quotes)
A ‘good man’ is a male creature that survives the endless episodes that its woman spends complaining about women who she hates, and, women who hate her. (Male Quotes)
If we want technology to serve society rather than enslave it, we have to build systems accessible to all people - be they male or female, young, old, disabled, computer wizards or technophobes. (Male Quotes)
It is clear from both documentary and archaeological sources that conspicuous display and consumption of wealth was fundamental for an elite male to maintain power and position in society. (Male Quotes)
Contrary to popular belief, a good number of transvestites-both male and female-are also heterosexual. Just because they want to get dressed up like the opposite sex does not necessarily mean they want to go to bed with the same sex. Some have successful heterosexual marriages and enjoy the most delightful shopping experiences. (Male Quotes)
My wife and I both love cooking - I am an advanced male - so we argue about who gets to rustle up dinner. (Male Quotes)
Women make natural anarchists and revolutionaries because they’ve always been second-class citizens, kinda having had to claw their way up. I mean, who made up all the rules in the culture? Men - white male corporate society. So why wouldn’t a woman want to rebel against that? (Male Quotes)
My dad was a huge country music fan, but he also had a band and he sang. So he’d listen to a lot of music and the songs that he’d learn for the band were more from the male artists. So my earliest country memories were Waylon Jennings, Conway Twitty, George Jones, Johnny Paycheck even. (Male Quotes)
The common moral praxis of Jews and Christians is most definitely theologically informed by the doctrine we share in common: The human person, male and female, is created in the image of God. (Male Quotes)
We are all souls, and what I have learnt so far is that while God is male, the souls created by Him are female, so I always had women as my theme, as they are dedicated to Him. (Male Quotes)
The natural and untainted male mind respects and loves the woman and her magnificent scope of capability and creative gifts. (Male Quotes)
Hugs are helpful, especially when women step out into a mostly male political world. Emotional support, at critical moments, enables women to stay in the race. (Male Quotes)
Each woman is made to feel it is her own cross to bear if she can’t be the perfect clone of the male superman and the perfect clone of the feminine mystique. (Male Quotes)
There were also some cruel reviews by women, but the tone of the male reviewers, sometimes hysterical, was different. I have suffered, but I don’t want to name names-but there have been men who have seemed to want to destroy me or my writing, men I don’t even know. (Male Quotes)
What is interesting to me is looking at how male and female writers depict men who, come in behind to fill those domestic duties, deal with personal and cultural lack of respect for doing what is lingeringly perceived as ‘women’s work.’ (Male Quotes)
Females carry the marks, language and nuances of their culture more than the male. Anything that is desired or despised is always placed on the female body. (Male Quotes)
Surrogate fathers and other male figures stepped in to give guidance after my dad died. Businessmen taught me to honor my commitments; others gave me opportunities beyond my wildest imaginations. Authors and speakers set good, solid examples of high standards and lofty goals for me; mature, committed Christians nurtured and instructed me. (Male Quotes)
When you know what the male species is looking for - ‘I’m not into a redhead,’ ‘I don’t want a fat chick,’ - I have to tell them that X won’t date you unless you’re this. I’m just the messenger. (Male Quotes)