Male Quotes

Text Quotes
The women of the country have the power in their own hands, in spite of the law and the government being altogether of the male order (Male Quotes)
As a male writer, women are always what men pursue, and their world is always a mystery. So I always tried to present as many views as possible on women’s worlds (Male Quotes)
There were also some cruel reviews by women, but the tone of the male reviewers, sometimes hysterical, was different. I have suffered, but I don’t want to name names but there have been men who have seemed to want to destroy me or my writing, men I don’t even know (Male Quotes)
The capitalists speculate on the two following factors: the female worker must be paid as poorly as possible and the competition of female labour must be employed to lower the wages of male workers as much as possible (Male Quotes)
Smokers, male and female, inject and excuse idleness in their lives every time they light a cigarette (Male Quotes)
All male animals, including men, when they are in love, are apt to behave in ways that seem ludicrous to bystanders (Male Quotes)
Keeping the peace with the particular man in one’s life becomes more essential than battling the mass male culture (Male Quotes)
Women have invented nothing in all that, except the men who were born as male babies and grew up to be men big enough to be killed fighting (Male Quotes)
We will have equality when a female schlemiel moves ahead as fast as a male schlemiel (Male Quotes)
Unlike femininity, relaxed masculinity is at bottom empty, a limp nullity. While the female body is full of internal potentiality, the male is internally barren. Manhood at the most basic level can be validated and expressed only in action (Male Quotes)
Just as humans have a prior right to existence over dogs by virtue of being more highly evolved and having a superior consciousness, so women have a prior right to existence over men. The elimination of any male is, therefore, a righteous and good act, an act highly beneficial to women as well as an act of mercy (Male Quotes)
I’ve never had any close male friends. The most important relationships in my life have always been with women (Male Quotes)
I find male singers and what they sing about fascinating. It makes me realize how little we know about ourselves and how little I know about myself. It’s interesting to see the male perspective (Male Quotes)
I made a decision when I was in school that I’d have a lot of male friends (Male Quotes)
I have not been more robust towards female rather than male assembly members and I do not believe I have been remotely sexist (Male Quotes)
There are female artists I can look at that I find more in common with than the male artists, because they’re blending the pop, dance and theatricality... but currently there aren’t a lot of guys who go there (Male Quotes)
Many differences are rooted in biology and reinforced through culture, so it’s important to acknowledge that. Because if you say men and women are the same and if male behaviour is the norm, and women are always expected to act like men, we will never be as good at being men as men are (Male Quotes)
An awful lot of female celebrities are very beautiful whereas a lot of male celebrities are not so hot (Male Quotes)
I definitely don’t think of myself as an actual male model. I’m far too short and my legs are far too muscular (Male Quotes)
Male chimpanzees have an extraordinarily strong drive for dominance. They’re constantly jockeying for position (Male Quotes)
Every congresswoman surely endures the same strains that drive some of her male colleagues to have affairs: lots of travel, families far away, heady work that makes a domestic routine seem distant and boring. But the stakes are much higher for women, because they are still judged by a different standard (Male Quotes)
The boys at school are so degenerate that it makes one feel pessimistic about the future of the male gender in general (Male Quotes)
Power has for so long been a male construct that it distorted the shape of the first women who tried it on, only to find themselves in a sort of straitjacket (Male Quotes)
…the samurai ethic is a political science of the heart, designed to control such discouragement and fatigue in order to avoid showing them to others. It was thought more important to look healthy than to be healthy, and more important to seem bold and daring than to be so. This view of morality, since it is physiologically based on the special vanity peculiar to men, is perhaps the supreme male view of morality (Male Quotes)
Readers understand that the books celebrate female power. In the romance novel, the woman always wins. With courage, intelligence and gentleness she brings the most dangerous creature on the earth, the human male, to his knees (Male Quotes)
I’m not sure I even need a lover, male or female. Sometimes I think I’d settle for five good friends (Male Quotes)
That’s when she’d learned that male egos and fruit had a lot in common: Both bruised easily (Male Quotes)
Male domination is so rooted in our collective unconscious that we no longer even see it (Male Quotes)
I’m male. You rubbed your... femaleness all over me. I didn’t think. I reacted (Male Quotes)
He’s male. I’ve noticed that sometimes the brains simply get left out of the package (Male Quotes)