Man alone at the very moment of his birth, cast naked upon the naked Earth, does she abandon to cries and lamentations

Man alone at the very moment of his birth, cast naked upon the naked Earth, does she abandon to cries and lamentations
Pliny the Elder, a Roman author, naturalist, and philosopher, is known for his extensive writings on a wide range of topics, including natural history, geography, and philosophy. In his work, he often explored the relationship between man and nature, and the quote "Man alone at the very moment of his birth, cast naked upon the naked Earth, does she abandon to cries and lamentations" reflects his contemplation on the vulnerability and helplessness of human beings in the face of the natural world.Pliny believed that humans are born into a world that is indifferent to their existence, and that they are at the mercy of the forces of nature from the moment they enter the world. The image of a newborn baby, naked and crying, abandoned to the elements, serves as a powerful metaphor for the fragility of human life and the harsh realities of the natural world.
For Pliny, the act of birth is a profound and transformative experience, marking the beginning of a journey that is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. He saw the Earth as a harsh and unforgiving place, where humans must struggle to survive and thrive in the face of adversity. The cries and lamentations of the newborn baby symbolize the pain and suffering that are an inherent part of the human experience, as well as the need for resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity.
Pliny's quote also speaks to the idea of human vulnerability and the need for compassion and empathy towards others. He believed that all humans are connected by their shared experience of being born into a world that is both beautiful and cruel, and that it is through our shared struggles and triumphs that we can find meaning and purpose in life.