Man is a bridge between the two worlds - the visible and the invisible

Man is a bridge between the two worlds - the visible and the invisible
In the teachings of Swami Sivananda, the concept of man being a bridge between the visible and the invisible worlds holds great significance. Sivananda, a renowned spiritual leader and founder of the Divine Life Society, believed that human beings have the potential to connect with both the material and spiritual realms, serving as a link between the two.According to Sivananda, the visible world represents the physical reality that we perceive through our senses. It is the world of form, matter, and tangible experiences. On the other hand, the invisible world refers to the realm of the unseen, the spiritual dimension that transcends the limitations of the physical world. It is the world of consciousness, energy, and divine presence.
As human beings, we exist in both worlds simultaneously. Our physical bodies are rooted in the material world, while our minds and souls have the capacity to reach out to the spiritual realm. Sivananda believed that it is our inherent nature to bridge these two worlds and to harmonize the dualities of existence.
Through practices such as meditation, yoga, selfless service, and devotion, Sivananda taught that we can cultivate a deeper connection with the invisible world. By quieting the mind, purifying the heart, and expanding our consciousness, we can tap into the infinite wisdom, love, and power that lie beyond the physical realm.
Sivananda emphasized the importance of living a balanced and integrated life, where we honor both the material and spiritual aspects of our being. By recognizing our divine nature and aligning ourselves with the higher truths of existence, we can fulfill our purpose as bridges between the two worlds.