Mankind Quotes

Text Quotes
The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda… (Mankind Quotes)
We owe our present happiness and prosperity, which has never been equalled in the annals of mankind, to a mixture of monarchical government (Mankind Quotes)
To a superior race of being the pretensions of mankind to extraordinary sanctity and virtue must seem... ridiculous (Mankind Quotes)
I have emerged victorious from my thirty years of struggle. I have freed mankind from superfluous ornament (Mankind Quotes)
To err is common to all mankind, but having erred he is no longer reckless nor unblest who haven fallen into evil seeks a cure, nor remains unmoved (Mankind Quotes)
In absolute terms, I am the most legally persecuted man of all times, in the whole history of mankind, worldwide (Mankind Quotes)
We pass thoughts around, from mind to mind, so compulsively and with such speed that the brains of mankind often appear, functionally, to be undergoing fusion (Mankind Quotes)
Property monopolized or in the possession of a few is a curse to mankind (Mankind Quotes)
The great men of a nation reach out to all mankind. They are unifying, not divisive; internationally conciliating and still great nationally (Mankind Quotes)
No true and permanent fame can be founded, except in labors which promote the happiness of mankind (Mankind Quotes)
There are only two great currents in the history of mankind: the baseness which makes conservatives and the envy which makes revolutionaries (Mankind Quotes)
Every noble life becomes a revelation of the spirit which the love and joy of mankind cannot let perish from remembrance (Mankind Quotes)
Freedom is the very essence of life, the impelling force in all intellectual and social development, the creator of every new outlook for the future of mankind. The liberation of man from economic exploitation and from intellectual and political oppression, which finds its finest expression in the world-philosophy of Anarchism, is the first prerequisite for the evolution of a higher social culture and a new humanity (Mankind Quotes)
Its obvious nonsense, but it makes nice people feel good about themselves to do their bit for the planet. Its vanity of a grotesque kind to believe that mankind, and our carbon footprint, has more impact on the future of Earth than Nature, which bends our planet to its will, as it sees fit (Mankind Quotes)
Even like as St. Paul was converted, just so are all others converted; for we all resist God, but the Holy Ghost draws the will of mankind, when he pleases, through preaching (Mankind Quotes)
I think the Messianic concept, which is the Jewish offering to mankind, is a great victory. What does it mean? It means that history has a sense, a meaning, a direction; it goes somewhere, and necessarily in a good direction--the Messiah (Mankind Quotes)
The whole social structure is now tumbling down, dethroning its God, undermining all its certainties. All this, wonderfully enough, is being done in the name of the health, wealth, and happiness of all mankind (Mankind Quotes)
All the food we eat - every grain of rice and kernel of corn - has been genetically modified. None of it was here before mankind learned to cultivate crops. The question isn’t whether our food has been modified, but how (Mankind Quotes)
The higher state to which [America] seeks the allegiance of all mankind is not of human, but of divine origin. She cherishes no purpose save to merit the favor of Almighty God (Mankind Quotes)
The French Revolution, Fichte’s Theory of Knowledge, and Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister are the three greatest tendencies of the age. Whoever takes offence at this combination, and whoever does not consider a revolution important unless it is blatant and palpable, has not yet risen to the lofty and broad vantage point of the history of mankind (Mankind Quotes)
The symmetry and organization of history teaches us that mankind, during its existence and development, genuinely was and became an individual, a person. In this great personality of mankind, God became man (Mankind Quotes)
I hate and fear ‘science’ because of my conviction that, for long to come if not for ever, it will be the remorseless enemy of mankind. I see it destroying all simplicity and gentleness of life, all the beauty of the world; I see it restoring barbarism under a mask of civilization; I see it darkening men’s minds and hardening their hearts (Mankind Quotes)
The introduction of the Christian religion into the world has produced an incalculable change in history. There had previously been only a history of nations--there is now a history of mankind; and the idea of an education of human nature as a whole.--an education the work of Jesus Christ Himself--is become like a compass for the historian, the key of history, and the hope of nations (Mankind Quotes)
While we honour religion and believe it to be a powerful factor in elevating our race, we discriminate, as we hope our readers will also do, between it and dogmatism. Dogmatism has been the bane of civilization and a curse to mankind. It has degraded our sex, stifled intelligent inquiry, and persecuted every independent reformer and every noble cause (Mankind Quotes)
Theres a tremendous amount of work building the apparatus, getting the experiment to work. But sitting there late at night in the lab, and knowing light is going at bicycle speed, and that nobody in the history of mankind has ever been here before - that is mind-boggling. Its worth everything (Mankind Quotes)
But is an enemy so execrable that tho in captivity his wishes and comforts are to be disregarded and even crossed? I think not. It is for the benefit of mankind to mitigate the horrors of war as much as possible (Mankind Quotes)
We need to and must protect privacy. But I think that people will be willing and even eager to share medical information about themselves for the greater good of mankind (Mankind Quotes)
If God had made a perfect world, it would be a magic trick, not creation, with no meaning or place for us to learn and create. Mankind is not yet ready for a perfect world. We do not know how to appreciate perfection (Mankind Quotes)
The religious wars showed that the Christian faith was no longer Europe’s unifying force. A new common ground was needed, and it was found in reason, which is something that is shared by all of mankind. This was one of the roots of the Enlightenment and its concept of universal human rights (Mankind Quotes)
Who can dispute that the governments of the United States constitute the most voracious tax system in the history of mankind? In the year 2000, those governments succeeded in laying hands on more than $3 trillion - almost $11,000 each for the 275 million men, women, and children resident in the country. No other nation-state rakes in an amount even close to the U.S. total (Mankind Quotes)