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Manner Quotes

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Consumerism is, quite precisely, the consuming of life by the things consumed. It is living in a manner that is measured by having rather than being... and consumerism is hardly the sin of the rich. The poor, driven by discontent and envy, may be as consumed by what they do not have as the rich are consumed by what they do have. The question is not, certainly not most importantly, a question about economics. It is first and foremost a cultural and moral problem requiring a cultural and moral remedy  (Manner Quotes) How did reason come into the world? As is fitting, in an irrational manner, by accident. One will have to guess at it as at a riddle  (Manner Quotes) Now, isn’t imagination a precious thing? It peoples the earth with all manner of wonders  (Manner Quotes) What I have to do is utilize as best I can the ideas which objects suggest to me, connect, fuse, and color in my way the shadows they cast within me, illumine them from the inside. And since of necessity my vision is quite different from that of the next man, my painting will interpret things in an entirely different manner even though it makes use of the same elements  (Manner Quotes) There are three aspects to perspective. The first has to do with how the size of objects seems to diminish according to distance: the second, the manner in which colors change the farther away they are from the eye; the third defines how objects ought to be finished less carefully the farther away they are  (Manner Quotes) Composition is the art of arranging in a decorative manner the various elements which the painter uses to express his sentiments. In a picture every separate part will be visible and... everything which has no utility in the picture is for that reason harmful  (Manner Quotes) The artist has only to remain true to his dream and it will possess his work in such a manner that it will resemble the work of no other man  (Manner Quotes) It is because the doctrine of human unity based on the spiritual oneness of all beings, is not propagated in the right manner that we have today many divisions leading to many conflicts  (Manner Quotes) By close inspection... you will discover the manner of handling the artifices of contrast, glazing, and other expedients, by which good colorists have raised the value of their tints, and by which nature has been so happily imitated  (Manner Quotes) I do not see in what manner practice alone can be sufficient for the production of correct, excellent, and finished pictures. Works deserving this character never were produced, nor ever will arise, from memory alone  (Manner Quotes) The serpentine line, or the line of grace, by its waving and winding at the same time different ways, leads the eye in a pleasing manner along the continuity of its variety  (Manner Quotes) There is more energy locked up in sources around the solar system than we could ever reasonably expect to need, the problem would be transporting them back to earth and using them in a cost efficient manner  (Manner Quotes) Track accountability is the best way to describe it. You’re looking to see which dog accounts for the most tracks in the smoothest manner  (Manner Quotes) He who confesses magic or sorcery shall do penance for the time of murder, and shall be treated in the same manner as he who convicts himself of this sin  (Manner Quotes) Judging others will avail you nothing and injure you spiritually. Only if you can inspire others to judge themselves will anything worthwhile have been accomplished. When you approach others in judgment they will be on the defensive. When you are able to approach them in a kindly, loving manner without judgment they will tend to judge themselves and be transformed  (Manner Quotes) Any army which does not train to use all the weapons, all the means and methods of warfare that the enemy possesses, or may possess, is behaving in an unwise or even criminal manner. This applies to politics even more than it does to the art of war  (Manner Quotes) The life of action need not be renounced. If you meditate for an hour or two every day you can then carry on with your duties. If you meditate in the right manner then the current of mind induced will continue to flow even in the midst of your work  (Manner Quotes) The gods gave me a father who ruled over me and rid me of any trace of arrogance and showed me that one can live in a palace without bodyguards, extravagant attire, chandeliers, statues, and other luxuries. He taught me that it is possible to live instead pretty much in the manner of a private citizen without losing any of the dignity and authority a ruler must possess to discharge his imperial duties effectively  (Manner Quotes) When thou art offended at any man’s fault, forthwith turn to thyself and reflect in what manner thou doest error thyself... For by attending to this thou wilt quickly forget thy anger, if this consideration is also added, that the man is compelled; for what else could he do? or, if thou art able, take away from him the compulsion  (Manner Quotes) When, after having read a work, loftier thoughts arise in your mind and noble and heartfelt feelings animate you, do not look for any other rule to judge it by; it is fine and written in a masterly manner  (Manner Quotes) If one draws things in a manner which provides only the barest clue to their meaning, the viewer is forced to fill in the gaps by using his own imagination. He is compelled to participate in the creative act, which I consider very important  (Manner Quotes) Each mental act opens up a new dimension of actuality. In a manner of speaking, your slightest thought gives birth to worlds  (Manner Quotes) The probity that scintillizes in the superfices of your persons informs my ratiocinating faculty, in a most stupendous manner, of the radiant virtues latent within the precious caskets and ventricles of your minds  (Manner Quotes) Style... is a peculiar recasting and heightening, under a certain condition of spiritual excitement, of what a man has to say, in such a manner as to add dignity and distinction to it  (Manner Quotes) One literature differs from another, either before or after it, not so much because of the text as for the manner in which it is read  (Manner Quotes) Subject matter does not determine a successful painting. It is the manner in which one personally envisions and interprets the subject that is the magical equation  (Manner Quotes) Few things reveal more about political leaders and their systems than the manner of their downfall  (Manner Quotes) We judge so superficially of things, that common words and actions spoke and done in an agreeable manner, with some knowledge of what passes in the world, often succeed beyond the greatest ability  (Manner Quotes) To believe practically that the poor and luckless are here only as a nusiance to be abraded and abated, and in some permissable manner made away with, and swept out of sight, is not an amiable faith  (Manner Quotes) Variation does not mean evolution. If an artist varies his mode of expression this only means that he has changed his manner of thinking, and in changing, it might be for the better or it might be for the worse  (Manner Quotes)
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