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Manners Quotes

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The company of women of fashion will improve your manners, though not your understanding; and that complaisance and politeness, which are so useful in men’s company, can only be acquired in women’s  (Manners Quotes) Political correctness is just tyranny with manners. I wish for you the courage to be unpopular. Popularity is history’s pocket change. Courage is history’s true currency  (Manners Quotes) Good manners are the expressions of benevolence in personal intercourse, by which we endeavor to promote the comfort and enjoyment of others, and to avoid all that gives needless uneasiness  (Manners Quotes) Nations are possessed with an insane ambition to perpetuate the memory of themselves by the amount of hammered stone they leave. What if equal pains were taken to smooth and polish their manners?  (Manners Quotes) How much we forgive to those who yield us the rare spectacle of heroic manners! We will pardon them the want of books, or arts, and even of gentler virtues. How tenaciously we remember them!  (Manners Quotes) In relations with people, as in art, if you always stick to style, manners, and what will work, and you’re never caught off guard, then some beautiful experiences never happen  (Manners Quotes) A man is but a little thing in the midst of the objects of nature, yet, by the moral quality radiating from his countenance, he may abolish all considerations of magnitude, and in his manners equal the majesty of the world  (Manners Quotes) The total and universal want of manners, both in males and females, is... remarkable... that polish which removes the coarser and rougher parts of our nature is unknown and undreamed of  (Manners Quotes) It is always a practical difficulty with clubs to regulate the laws of election so as to exclude peremptorily every social nuisance. Nobody wishes bad manners. We must have loyalty and character  (Manners Quotes) I could start a war in 30 seconds. But some countries spend 100 years trying to find peace. Just like good manners, peace has to be learned  (Manners Quotes) I have a respect for manners as such, they are a way of dealing with people you don’t agree with or like  (Manners Quotes) She had a womanly instinct that clothes possess an influence more powerful over many than the worth of character or the magic of manners  (Manners Quotes) No person who is well bred, kind and modest is ever offensively plain; all real deformity means want for manners or of heart  (Manners Quotes) Of course poets have morals and manners of their own, and custom is no argument with them  (Manners Quotes) Manners must adorn knowledge and smooth its way in the world, without them it is like a great rough diamond, very well in a closet by way of curiosity, and also for its intrinsic value; but most prized when polished  (Manners Quotes) I don’t mind if you don’t like my manners. They’re pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings  (Manners Quotes) There is always a best way of doing everything, if it be to boil an egg. Manners are the happy ways of doing things  (Manners Quotes) As a child, I was taught that it was bad manners to bring attention to yourself, and to never, ever make a spectacle of yourself... all of which I’ve earned a living doing  (Manners Quotes) Manners are of more importance than laws. Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine us, by a constant, steady, uniform, insensible operation, like that of the air we breathe  (Manners Quotes) Learning is nothing without cultivated manners, but when the two are combined in a woman, you have one of the most exquisite products of civilization  (Manners Quotes) When one wants to change manners and customs, one should not do so by changing the laws  (Manners Quotes) The knowledge of courtesy and good manners is a very necessary study. It is like grace and beauty, that which begets liking and an inclination to love one another at the first sight  (Manners Quotes) One man lies in his words, and gets a bad reputation; another in his manners, and enjoys a good one  (Manners Quotes) Good manners are the settled medium of social, as specie is of commercial, life; returns are equally expected for both  (Manners Quotes) It is a mistake that there is no bath that will cure people’s manners, but drowning would help  (Manners Quotes) A man’s own good breeding is the best security against other people’s ill manners  (Manners Quotes) Perhaps propriety is as near a word as any to denote the manners of the gentleman; elegance is necessary to the fine gentleman; dignity is proper to noblemen; and majesty to kings  (Manners Quotes) I think the biggest reason I was able to express myself and not be intimidated was by not having a mother. For example, mothers teach you manners. And I absolutely did not learn any of those rules and regulations  (Manners Quotes) The conspicuous consumption of limited resources has yet to be accepted widely as a spiritual error, or even bad manners  (Manners Quotes) As new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times  (Manners Quotes)
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