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Manners Quotes

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Whenever there is an absolute truth at stake, the manners become careless. This applies both to the owners as well as their opponents of that truth and to all people involved  (Manners Quotes) Manners must adorn knowledge, and smooth its way through the world. Like a great rough diamond, it may do very well in a closet by way of curiosity, and also for its intrinsic value  (Manners Quotes) Nothing is so great an instance of ill manners as flattery. If you flatter all the company, you please none; if you flatter only one or two, you affront the rest  (Manners Quotes) The finest manners in the world are awkwardness and fatuity, when contrasted with a finer intelligence  (Manners Quotes) A tragedy can never suffer by delay: a comedy may, because the allusions or the manners represented in it maybe temporary  (Manners Quotes) A great reserve and severity of manners are necessary for the command of those who are older than ourselves  (Manners Quotes) My manners, abominable at times, can be sweet. As I grew older I became a drunk. why? Because I like ecstasy of the mind. I’m a wretch. But I love, love  (Manners Quotes) Two people may be at the same spot in manners and behaviour, and yet one may be getting better, and the other worse, which is the greatest of differences that could possibly exist between them  (Manners Quotes) Marriage indeed may qualify the fury of his passion, but it very rarely mends a man’s manners  (Manners Quotes) I don’t mind if you don’t like my manners. I don’t like them myself. They’re pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings  (Manners Quotes) In the name of motherhood and fatherhood and education and good manners, we threaten and suffocate and bind and ensnare and bribe and trick children into wholesale emulation of our ways  (Manners Quotes) Scientists have odious manners, except when you prop up their theory; then you can borrow money of them  (Manners Quotes) Prepare yourself for the world, as the athletes used to do for their exercise; oil your mind and your manners, to give them the necessary suppleness and flexibility; strength alone will not do  (Manners Quotes) If a man has good manners and is not afraid of other people he will get by, even if he is stupid  (Manners Quotes) In love we never think of moral qualities, and scarcely of intellectual ones. Temperament and manners alone, with beauty, excite love  (Manners Quotes) That only can with propriety be styled refinement which, by strengthening the intellect, purifies the manners  (Manners Quotes) Some of the domestic evils of drunkenness are houses without windows, gardens without fences, fields without tillage, barns without roofs, children without clothing, principles, morals or manners  (Manners Quotes) To have properly studied the liberal sciences gives a polish to our manners, and removes all awkwardness  (Manners Quotes) I consider that the spirit of politeness is a certain desire to bring it about, that, by our words and manners, others may be pleased with us and with themselves  (Manners Quotes) More tears have been shed over men’s lack of manners than their lack of morals  (Manners Quotes) I hate the countrie’s dirt and manners, yet I love the silence; I embrace the wit; a courtship, flowing here in full tide. But loathe the expense, the vanity and pride. No place each way is happy  (Manners Quotes) ... The manners of women are the surest criterion by which to determine whether a republican government is practicable in a nation or not  (Manners Quotes) I would advise him who wishes to imitate well, to look closely into life and manners, and thereby to learn to express them with truth  (Manners Quotes) Ethics is the doctrine of manners, or science of philosophy, which teaches men their duty and the springs and principles of human conduct  (Manners Quotes) A vain man can never be altogether rude. Desirous as he is of pleasing, he fashions his manners after those of others  (Manners Quotes) If fine manners are so admirable in men, how much more effective are they in women  (Manners Quotes) When will conventional good manners become attractive? When will ladies of fashion exhibit their shoulders a little less and their affability and wit a little more?  (Manners Quotes) Sculptors are obliged to follow the manners of the painters, and to make many ample folds, which are unsufferable hardness, and more like a rock than a natural garment  (Manners Quotes) To be thoroughly imbued, with the liberal arts refines the manners, and makes men to be mild and gentle in their conduct  (Manners Quotes) Every man depends on the quantity of sense, wit, or good manners he brings into society for the reception he meets with in it  (Manners Quotes)
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