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Manners Quotes

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Good manners are an admission that everybody is so tender that they have to be handle with gloves  (Manners Quotes) Should we distrust the man because his manners are not our manners, and that his skin is dark?  (Manners Quotes) Parents are usually more careful to bestow knowledge on their children rather than virtue, the art of speaking well rather than doing well; but their manners should be of the greatest concern  (Manners Quotes) Be simple in words, manners, and gestures. Amuse as well as instruct. If you can make a man laugh, you can make him think and make him like and believe you  (Manners Quotes) Those that are good manners at the court are as ridiculous in the country, as the behavior of the country is most mockable at the court  (Manners Quotes) A dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot  (Manners Quotes) Men rarely if ever dream up a God superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child  (Manners Quotes) Variant: I was driven to drink by a woman. I am forever grateful, yet I never had the good manners to thank her  (Manners Quotes) A healthy appetite for righteousness, kept in due control by good manners, is an excellent thing; but to hunger and thirst after it is often merely a symptom of spiritual diabetes  (Manners Quotes) Natural dignity of mind or manners can never be concealed; it ever commands our respect: assumed dignity, or importance, excites our ridicule and contempt  (Manners Quotes) There are three subjects on which the knowledge of the medical profession in general is woefully weak; they are manners, morals, and medicine  (Manners Quotes) Yes, but also one of the problems for a novelist in Ireland is the fact that there are no formal manners. I mean some people have beautiful manners but there’s no kind of agreed form of manners  (Manners Quotes) It strikes me as bad manners for a magazine to accept one of my advertisements and then attack it editorially - like inviting a man to dinner then spitting in his eye  (Manners Quotes) Of Manners gentle, of Affections mild; In Wit a man; Simplicity, a child  (Manners Quotes) Adam and Eve are like imaginary numbers, like the square root of minus one... If you include it in your equation, you can calculate all manners of things, which cannot be imagined without it  (Manners Quotes) The show is like an Edwardian play - emotional life gets stepped on for the sake of accepted manners, and that’s terrific for actors to play in  (Manners Quotes) In England, we have such good manners that if someone says something impolite, the police will get involved  (Manners Quotes) There are no manners left in America at all, because all you’re doing is kicking the person next to you so that you can consume more, see more, and get more  (Manners Quotes) What seems conceit, bad manners or cynicism is always a sign of things no ear have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone  (Manners Quotes) I always use my clients’ products. This is not toady-ism, but elementary good manners  (Manners Quotes) Unfortunately, manipulation and defamation are part of the bad manners that have been prevailing in Poland’s politics for ten years now  (Manners Quotes) Her air, her manners, all who saw admir’d; Courteous though coy, and gentle though retir’d; The joy of youth and health her eyes display’d, And ease of heart her every look convey’d  (Manners Quotes) I shall ever remember the gentleness of your manners and the wild originality of your countenance  (Manners Quotes) When approaching me in public, do not be rude. Say please. Introduce yourself. Have manners. Be considerate. Otherwise you’ll be disappointed  (Manners Quotes) The people were simpler, more peaceable and friendly in their manners and dispositions; and assassinations, which give the southern provinces so ill a reputation, were almost unknown  (Manners Quotes) Good breeding consists in having no particular mark of any profession, but a general elegance of manners  (Manners Quotes) As everybody knows, truthfulness and agreeable manners are often divorced on the ground of incompatibility  (Manners Quotes) You try your hardest to raise your teenagers with patience, honesty and good manners, but they still end up being like you  (Manners Quotes) Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every effort to teach them good manners  (Manners Quotes) Feeling rejected after someone reads your message on facebook and doesn’t have the manners to reply?  (Manners Quotes)
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