Man's holiness is now his greatest happiness, and in heaven man's greatest happiness will be his perfect holiness

Man's holiness is now his greatest happiness, and in heaven man's greatest happiness will be his perfect holiness
Thomas Brooks, a 17th-century Puritan preacher and author, believed that true happiness could only be found in holiness. In his work, he emphasized the importance of living a holy life and the ultimate reward of perfect holiness in heaven. Brooks believed that holiness was not only a duty but also a source of joy and fulfillment for believers.According to Brooks, man's holiness is now his greatest happiness because it brings him closer to God and aligns him with His will. Living a holy life means following God's commandments, seeking His guidance, and striving to be more like Christ. This pursuit of holiness leads to a deeper relationship with God and a sense of peace and contentment that cannot be found in worldly pleasures.
Brooks also believed that in heaven, man's greatest happiness will be his perfect holiness. He saw heaven as a place where believers would be completely free from sin and fully transformed into the likeness of Christ. In this state of perfect holiness, believers would experience the fullness of joy and fulfillment that comes from being in the presence of God.
For Brooks, holiness was not just a means to an end but the end itself. He believed that true happiness could only be found in living a holy life and being in communion with God. This perspective challenged the prevailing notion that happiness could be achieved through wealth, power, or worldly success.
Brooks' teachings on holiness and happiness continue to resonate with believers today. In a world that often values material possessions and personal achievements above all else, his message serves as a reminder that true happiness can only be found in God and in living a life that is pleasing to Him.